Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. This post contains affiliate links.
Before we tried the socks I browsed the Heat Holders website and it confirms that Heat Holders have a TOG rating of 2.3 whereas a basic cotton sock has just 0.33.
They are the ULTIMATE Thermal sock and are the warmest in the world.
When I took them out the packaging I was convinced that there must be more than 1 pair per pack because they were so thick but there was only one pair inside.
At first I wasn't keen on the inside of the sock it was very fluffy and although the feel of things doesn't normally bother me it felt like I was putting my feet into a pile of cotton wool.
The outside is just plain with a small Heat Holders Logo.
After a short while I got used to the feel of the inside of the socks and started to enjoy my warm feet.
John tried his and his first thought was that it felt like he was walking on snow. They felt really soft on his feet and he instantly felt the warmth.
After 10 minutes my feet felt so warm and when I took them off it was up to John to test if my feet were as cold as usual.
I am pleased to say they were nice and toastie.
John now wants me to wear them just before bed each night now so I don't have cold feet under the covers :)
The true test will be when we go on our spring walks and I team them up with my boots. I will definitely post an update shortly.
A list of stockists can be found by visiting Heat Holders website or can be purchased from Amazon
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