Funky Giraffe Playsuit and Bandana Bibs Review

Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. This post contains affiliate links.

3 children's bibs with a rocket, car and plane on,
Recently I stumbled upon a website called Funky Giraffe Bibs. I was searching for dribble bibs for little J who is teething at the moment and a good quality dribble bib is hard to find so I thought I would look online.

There is a HUGE selection of bibs to choose from Bandana Bibs, Cotton Bibs, XL Bibs and XXL Bibs. After browsing through the amazing selection I noticed they also stocked other baby items. I fell in love with the playsuits available they are so cute.

Little J was sent a gorgeous funky giraffe playsuit and a selection of bibs to try. We received a red rocket bib, an aeroplane bib and my favourite the racing car. The colours are lovely, really bold.

The back of a dribble bib,
I turned the bibs over and they had a layer of fleece on the back to help soak up the dribble which will protect your child's clothes and chest from getting wet.

A blue and yellow romper suit with a giraffe on
When I saw the playsuit it was gorgeous. The soft feel and bold colours made it even better than I expected.

A baby boy sitting up clapping his hands
I couldn't wait to try it on little J and when I did I have to admit he looked adorable in it :)

A baby boy sitting in a baby walker looking to the right,
Little J was having a drool day as usual so I put the dribble bib on straight away. While he was playing I noticed the bib was getting wet as the yellow had changed colour in parts.

A wet drool bib with a car on,
So it was time for a change of bib but after taking it off I noticed I didn't really need too. His playsuit underneath was dry.

The fleece backing had protected him. I was really impressed and little J was happy.

Why choose a Funky Giraffe Bandana Bib?

Our Funky Giraffe Bandana bibs (also know as dribble bibs) are the perfect accessory for the fashion savvy baby and toddler. Fronts are made from 100% cotton using all natural fibres they feel soft to the touch while adding a unique panache to any outfit, with a fleece backing to keep dribble from soaking through.

We have a range of styles to suit all tastes and each one has been designed in house with you in mind, listening to our customer’s feedback and wishes we have brought more bandanna bibs to our store so you and your baby can benefit from the Funky Giraffe quality.

Each bib has double poppers so you can adjust the fit to suit your little one, this ensures baby hardly notices the bib is there and so keeps it on for longer

Funky Giraffe offer free UK shipping and amazing discounts. The more you buy the move you save. 

To check out the lovely products available visit


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