Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo ABC House Blocks Review

Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 

little boy sat on the floor reaching out for wooden blocks
I know in todays world toys and gadgets are so advanced now and completely different to the toys that were available when I was younger. I think its important to remember that basic toys can provide so much fun, development and creativity. Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo ABC house blocks do just that.
Skip Hop is a brand that I have only known really since little J arrived but I am a huge fan of their toys. Little J has the Treetop Friends Trio Ball Set and he loves them. He has had them since he was born and he plays with them everyday.

When little J was sent Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo ABC house blocks I so pleased because they are the type of toy I enjoy seeing children play with. 

No lights and no sounds just good old fashioned playing fun. Great for the imagination and development too.

 The set includes 14 solid wood blocks and in a variety of sizes and shapes.

little boy sat up holding wooden blocks
I opened the outside packaging and inside the blocks were neatly arranged in a cardboard tray.
little J picked one out.

little boy sat up playing with  wooden blocks
He kept twisting the block around so he could view all sides. Each side of the block has a letter, an animal or a design on it.

little boy sat up holding a wooden block to his mouth
Then it was straight to his mouth for a taste. All the paints and finished on the blocks are non-toxic and child safe. So perfect for little ones who love to put everything to their mouth like little J does.

little boy sat up playing with  wooden blocks
He then picked another block up and began banging them together. They made a lovely noise :)

There are house shapes, cubes and triangles and all perfect for stacking, building and balancing. The blocks also include the entire alphabet

Big and little J created their own names, a great way for children to start recognising their own name and letters from the alphabet.

The design of the blocks are great because you could make a little house complete with doors, windows and a roof.

I love the Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo Blocks, we had so much fun playing, stacking and of course knocking down.

You can buy Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo ABC House blocks by visiting Bibs and Stuff they are currently priced at £28 and to find out more about Skip Hop visit Maguari


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