Little J loves making noises with his toys whether it's banging two blocks together or hitting a plastic box like a drum, he is always trying to make new sounds. A few weeks ago he was at play group and was playing with a xylophone and even though it was such a simple toy he loved it. He sat playing with it longer than any other toy there and seemed to really enjoy himself.
When we were given the chance to review a toy from What2Buy4Kids I had a look on the website to see if there were any xylophones and there were. We chose the Lion Xylophone by Orange Tree Toys.
The Lion xylophone is hand crafted and made of wood. Designed in the Uk and made with non-toxic paint.
The first thing you notice is the colours it's so bright and very appealing to little ones.
There are 5 colourful keys with a nice lion face at the top. The two wooden drumsticks included have red and blue at the top.
Each key has a different sound.
Little J knew exactly what to do with it when we took it out the box. He picked up the drumstick and hit the coloured keys. After two or three hits he would put down the stick and clap :)
I had a go of the xylophone too and sang twinkle twinkle and I hit the keys softly. After I finished he then hit the keys lighter than before and looked at me to sing again. It was really sweet.
He seems to prefer just using one drumstick at the moment.
I think it's so important for children to be given the chance to use musical instruments from a young age. It's a way to express themselves and as little J gets older I want to continue introducing instruments and different sounds.
As you may already know I am a huge fan of classic toys and I know it can be hard for these types of toys to compete with the latest crazes and gadgets. For me this is an excellent introduction to the musical world. Bold colours, lovely sounds and little J and his big brother had so much fun.
There is also a Lion Tambourine so that might be next on my list of instrument to buy.
*we were sent the Lion xylophone in return for a full honest review. all thoughts above are our own*
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