Tomy Winnie The Pooh Post and Roll

Little J loves Winnie the Pooh and he has a taggy that goes everywhere with him. When we received a new Winnie The Pooh toy for little J to try this week, he got stuck in and was so excited.
Winnie the Pooh Post and Roll Hunny Pot is a very simple toy but great fun. The large Hunny Pot is decorated with images of Winnie the Pooh and has a overflowing honey design at the top. The rest of the pot is see through and it needs to be so you can join in with the fun!
The pot comes with three small balls that make a rattling noise when shook. Little J loves rattling them and sometimes will just play with the balls. Rolling them around the floor and chasing after them.
When you are ready to play the idea is you put a ball in the Hunny pot and the Hunny pot will wobble from side to side and you can watch the ball go down the spiral and into the hole at the bottom of the Hunny pot. Once there it will hit the bell and make a ding sound. Then it will come out of one of the holes at the bottom and roll along the floor, but which hole? That's the fun part guessing which one. 
Little J loves putting the balls in and watching them go round and round down the spiral and when they reach the bottom he makes a screech noise when they pop out.
You can view the TOMY Winnie the Pooh range HERE
The Tomy Winnie the Pooh Post and Roll Hunny Pot is from is suitable from 9 months but at 17 months little J really does enjoy playing with this. He thinks it so funny. 
*we received the Winnie The Pooh Post N Roll in return for a full honest review*

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