If there is one thing I would love to change about myself it would have to be my fear of the dentist. I have been scared of the dentist for as long as I can remember and I would love to completely conquer that fear one day. I say completely conquer my fear because I have to admit it isn't as bad now as it was. As I have grown up and got older I realise it probably isn't the horrendous experience as I used to think but I do still walk in the room with butterflies and my tummy churns every time I sit down in the chair.
Having that fear means my teeth are not as good as what they should or could of been. I will go the dentist for check ups and I have had work done on my teeth over the years but I probably leave it too long in between but that is something I am working on because I would love a nice smile showing off lovely straight teeth.
I have looked trying to get that perfect smile before and I have considered braces in the past and it would be something I would have if the dentist recommended it. There are so many different procedures you can get now to give you that smile you always wished for and I would have to opt the easiest option available.
I have been looking at fastbraces recently. Although its a new fixed brace treatment its actually been in development for over 20 years. It appealed to me straight away because it promises speedy results and a beautiful straight smile. Fast braces are able to produce the same results as fixed braces but in half the time so around 12 months. Using state of the art materials enables the braces to work quickly and painlessly. This would be a perfect combination for me.
Daddy had braces when he was younger and his teeth are lovely and straight. He is confident to smile with his mouth open and teeth showing whereas I prefer to smile with my mouth closed. I try not to let my fear of the dentist effect my two monkeys because going the dentist is such an important part of life. Luckily they both have lovely teeth and enjoy going the dentist. I hope it stays that way.
*collaboration with Sensu*
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