"I Want It And I Want It Now"

Little J is approaching 22 months and although I know it's another 2 months yet till we hit the terrible twos, I'm starting to see a little sneak preview of what's to come. Recently he has wanted everything that everyone else has and when he doesn't get it he will cry or scream and it's hard not to give in but I have to be strong and start to teach him to share. 

At the moment he hasn't got a clue what sharing is, why would he? All his toys are his and he doesn't have to share with anyone but that's soon to change. Over the next couple of months he's going to be doing a few days a week in nursery - eek! How is that even possible that he's already old enough for nursery. Where has that time gone?
So going from just him, playing with his own toys in his own home to having to play with toys for everyone and competing with 20+ kids to get them is gonna be tough. 
So to help him I'm just gonna have to put my foot down and he's going to have to start sharing when he is playing with me, daddy or his big brother. Usually he will pick up a toy and I'll pick up another. He will then drop the one he had and want the one I have. I will give him it and pick another then he will want that one and so on and so on. 
First steps will be to not automatically give him the toy I have just because he kicks off. I will use words like mine or mummy's, pointing to the toy I have. Then point to the toy he has and say yours or little J's followed by the word share. I am going to make sure the word share is used lots over the weeks and months because little J like most kids learns from repetition. 
Sharing is a big important part of growing up and I want to start working on it now before the terrible twos are in full swing. I know all kids at some point snatch or moan when they have to share but I would be devastated if he was a little horror in nursery when it comes to playing with toys.
When do you think is the right time to teach your child to share?

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