What To Buy For Our 15th Valentines Day Together?

This Valentines Day will be my 15th with Daddy, oh how times flies. I think because we have been together so long it gets harder and harder to come up with a present for one another. We have done all the heart shaped cookies, red roses and Me to You bears so this year we are looking at something else to give each other, something a little different. We have been browsing Buyagift together and have come up with a few possible choices.
Double Supercar Driving Blast with Passenger Ride
So if I was going to choose a gift for Daddy I would definitely look in the Driving experiences, he has done one before and loved it. This caught my eye, its on offer at the moment too. You get the chance to drive two of the supercars for a full six miles. Now when it says passenger ride too, I thought it meant I could go in there too. There would be no way you would get me sitting in one of those cars as I don't like fast cars but it means a passenger ride with an expert. 
When Daddy did his driving experience a few years ago big J and I watched and it was actually a lot of fun even for the spectators. We made a day of it and I would recommend it to anyone who likes to live life in the fast lane.
Cream Tea and Steam Experience at Ravenglass

I am a little harder to buy for, I don't really want or need anything most of the time so Daddy finds it almost impossible. I am not a lover of material things unless its Disney related..haha, I do however love spending time with Daddy and my family. 
Daddy came up with the idea for Afternoon Tea. I do love afternoon tea and have been a few times and its just so relaxing, chilled and a very British thing to do. 
We browsed the selection of Afternoon tea experiences and we both agreed I would love the experience in the Lake District. 
I love the lake district, it was the first holiday we took together as a family almost 13 years ago and we have been many times since. Its not far from were we live and is easy to do in a day without the need to stay over. 

Three Course Meal with a Glass of Wine For Two at Prezzo

As a couple we love to spend time at the cinema, the theatre or going for a nice meal. Sometimes its nice just to step out of the 'Mummy and Daddy' shoes for a night, even if its just a couple of hours. Its nice to go for a meal without leaving the restaurant with stains on your clothes after you have tried to feed a toddler.

When we looked at the meal experiences we both decided on Prezzo. Its a restaurant we haven't visited before and there is a new one just opened close to us. A three course meal and a glass of wine sounds like the perfect way for us to enjoy some 'couple' time. 

So we are all booked in and really looking forward to it. Keep an eye out for my review later this week.
What are you buying for your loved one this Valentines Day?

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