Our Own Eiffel Tower

I will always remember the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower, I was blown away. I remember looking up and just thinking WOW. Although big J and I were desperate to go up, Daddy was not as excited. 

*looking back to 2007*

Daddy doesn't really like heights so I was a little shocked when he said he would go up.
It was the middle of the day and it was really busy but it was well worth the wait. The views were unbelievable. I have always said I would love to see it at night all lit up, we have only ever seen it from the plane as we have flew over. 
Well now we can see the Eiffel Tower at night every night as we have just made our very own Ravensburger Eiffel Tower 3D Puzzle 
I wasn't sure what to expect as I thought it may be too complicated as most of the pieces looked the same. However each piece was numbered 1-216 on the back. 
The base has the lights which shine white, red and blue.
Each section of the Eiffel Tower was separated by a plastic stand to hold it in place. The bottom half of the tower rested on a black plastic base which had the LED lights in.  
So we started at the bottom. We emptied all the pieces on to the floor. The instructions said that the bottom of the Eiffel Tower were pieces 1-76.
As well as having the numbers on each piece had an arrow too. This told you which way to put the next piece and so on. 

It was strange doing a puzzle without looking at a picture, we worked just off the numbers.

We each took a group of numbers 1-10, 11-20 and so on and then we passed them to Daddy who joined them together. 

To make it 3D there are hinged pieces. I found these quite tricky at first but then realised they just need bending into place. I was scared I might snap them but they are strong plastic pieces.

Once all the pieces for the bottom half of the tower were connected we placed it on the base.

The middle section was harded than the bottom. I'm not sure why I think it might have been just us putting pieces in the wrong place ... oops.

It came together in the end and then there was only the top part to go.

I was really excited to see it all together and to switch the lights on. 

We love it. It stands 44cm tall and it is really sturdy. 

We switched the lights on and the colours are really lovely, its a pity the photograph doesn't really show how bright it is.

It now has a new home in our living room. Its lovely at night glowing in the corner. Actually makes me want to go back to Paris.

To view the entire 3D puzzle collection by Ravensburger visit the website here

*we were sent the 3d puzzle for the purpose of this review, all thoughts, opinions and photos are our own*

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