What Does Your Toddler Eat?

Little J will be 2 years old soon and I am not really looking forward to toddler tantrums and fussy eating. Up till now we have had the perfect child. He pleasant, funny, a good sleeper and a really good eater, I don't want it to change.
I am going to keep a note of all, if any changes and blog about them over the next months but just something playing on my mind at the moment is food. I am not 100% sure how much little J should be eating and how often. I have googled but their is so much difference between one toddler to the next.
Little J likes most things you put in front of him and will eat until he's had enough and pushes it away but I think he may be losing weight. He has aged 2-3 in trousers for a while but now they seem to be hanging off him.
This is a typical day.

7-8am - Breakfast 

Porridge, croissant or toast
Water or very weak juice
11am - Lunch

Small tin of pasta shapes, beans and sausage, egg and beans or a sandwich
Cake Bar such as a mini roll, banana or raisins
Water or very weak juice
2pm - Mid afternoon snack

Depends what he had for lunch but usually a biscuit or a small portion of skips or wotsits
4-4:30pm - Dinner

A smaller version of what we are having for dinner.
Lasagne, Curry, Chicken, Spaghetti Bol, Pizza
Mash, Vegetables, beans,
A cold dessert such as ice cream or mousse
Waterer or very weak juice

8oz Bottle of Milk
How does that sound? Too much, too little, just right? Its hard isn't it knowing whats best but I guess he never seems hungry and he sleeps well so maybe i'm just being paranoid but I really would love to know your thoughts.

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