For those that red my blog regularly will know that one of little J's first clear words was 'Cake' Now we weren't sure whether it was just a word he had heard, found easy to say or whether he does actually love cake. Well we have soon realised he does actually love cake.
We have biscuit, sweet and cake cupboard and after lunch and dinner he will point to the cupboard and shout 'Cake' its actually quite cute. We are all cake lovers here too so I was really excited when we were given the chance to take part in Mr Kipling #BetterWithCake project to see what is better with cake?
Garden Tea Party is #BetterWithCake
The sun was shining last week so we made the most of the warm afternoon and had a garden tea party. I love seeing my boys playing together even with an 11 year age gap they are really good friends. Tea, Sandwiches and Cake were on the menu.
Transition From Cot To Bed is #BetterWithCake
This week little J reached a huge milestone in his toddler life as he made the transition from cot to bed. There are so many signs you can look out for to check your toddler is ready and if I am honest little J wasn't showing any of them, he just looked ready. Anyway to help him settle into his new bed we did offer him a nice French Fancy cake along with some milk, just before bed. It worked a treat.
Online Gaming is #BetterWithCake
Did you know online gaming and chatting with friends is hard work? Well apparently it is or thats what big J tells me. So up I went to his room with a nice cold drink and French Fancy. Did it make him score any more goals on Fifa? The thumbs up suggests yes.
Breaking Bad is #BetterWithCake
So I think it is fair to say that we are a little addicted to Breaking Bad. For those that haven't seen it I cannot recommend it enough. We have managed to watch four seasons in a few weeks and we are now on our fifth and final season eek! So when we watch the last season we will be enjoying tea and Mr Kiplings cake. Yummy
Blogging is #BetterWithCake
I love sitting down at my desk with my laptop and working on my blog. It a time were I can relax and write about our adventures. So today I sat down to write this post and realised that there was one cake left in the cupboard. So I decided to sneak over and take it out before my monkeys noticed. Cake in one hand and typing with the other. I can definitely say blogging is better with cake, plus I didn't have to share any cake hehe.
So after a week of eating Mr Kipling's Cake I can say that
EVERYTHING is #BetterWithCake

This post is an entry for #betterwithcake Linky Challenge (, sponsored by Mr Kipling. Learn more at
We have biscuit, sweet and cake cupboard and after lunch and dinner he will point to the cupboard and shout 'Cake' its actually quite cute. We are all cake lovers here too so I was really excited when we were given the chance to take part in Mr Kipling #BetterWithCake project to see what is better with cake?
Garden Tea Party is #BetterWithCake
The sun was shining last week so we made the most of the warm afternoon and had a garden tea party. I love seeing my boys playing together even with an 11 year age gap they are really good friends. Tea, Sandwiches and Cake were on the menu.
Transition From Cot To Bed is #BetterWithCake
Online Gaming is #BetterWithCake
Did you know online gaming and chatting with friends is hard work? Well apparently it is or thats what big J tells me. So up I went to his room with a nice cold drink and French Fancy. Did it make him score any more goals on Fifa? The thumbs up suggests yes.
Breaking Bad is #BetterWithCake
So I think it is fair to say that we are a little addicted to Breaking Bad. For those that haven't seen it I cannot recommend it enough. We have managed to watch four seasons in a few weeks and we are now on our fifth and final season eek! So when we watch the last season we will be enjoying tea and Mr Kiplings cake. Yummy
Blogging is #BetterWithCake
I love sitting down at my desk with my laptop and working on my blog. It a time were I can relax and write about our adventures. So today I sat down to write this post and realised that there was one cake left in the cupboard. So I decided to sneak over and take it out before my monkeys noticed. Cake in one hand and typing with the other. I can definitely say blogging is better with cake, plus I didn't have to share any cake hehe.
So after a week of eating Mr Kipling's Cake I can say that
EVERYTHING is #BetterWithCake
This post is an entry for #betterwithcake Linky Challenge (, sponsored by Mr Kipling. Learn more at
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