This week we have been trying out BUBABLOON. As soon as I read about BUBABLOON I knew instantly my monkeys would love it. My living room floor is always home to a selection of balls and balloons as well as a small goal so they can play football indoors.
BUBABLOON arrived in a small drawstring bag and inside was two balloons and a fabric cover. The BUBABLOON is an exciting idea created by Elena Torres and Lorna Edwards, the BUBABLOON is designed to make a normal balloon a more durable toy.
Daddy popped the balloon inside the fabric balloon cover and blew the balloon up as normal. The balloon then inflated within the cover.
When it had inflated Daddy tied a knot in the balloon as usual. He threw it to me and although it looked like a ball it was really light and floaty.
Big J tried his ball skills on the BUBABLOON and he was able to control it and manoeuvre it just like a normal ball.
Little J really enjoyed playing with the balloon as its light he was able to kick and chase it with confidence. Its nice and easy for him to pick up and throw too.
Available in a host of bright, bold and whimsical colours and designs, ranging from campervans to pirates and animals to inspirations from nature, the cover is ‘Made in Britain’ and is a non-tech toy that makes any standard 12 inch balloon play safe for babies, toddlers, big kids and grown-ups alike.
BUBABLOON offers a sensory experience for little ones, no matter their age or ability, encouraging exploration, large-muscle movement and fine motor skills.
My boys have had lots of fun with the BUBABLOON and after a week it has still kept its original shape and going strong, unlike our birthday balloons which have now got smaller and deflated slightly.
The Butterfly and Hearts design we were sent has a RRP of £11.99 and can be purchased by visiting BUBABLOON.
*we received Bubabloon for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own*
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