As you will know little J has just become a fully fledged toddler when he celebrated his 2nd birthday last month. Amongst the planning of his presents and how we were going to celebrate I found myself thinking back to his birth, it was his 'birth' day after all. We had waited for little J for so long and I was so nervous, scared but ultimately excited to meet him. Due to our previous history I was induced and although at the time I thought it would take away the surprise of going into labour, it didn't really.
I was induced first thing on the Tuesday and he came almost 48 hours later on the Wednesday evening. I loved being in labour, although while I was experiencing it, I wanted it to be over with as soon as possible, at the end I got little J and it was worth all the pain. I had a smile from ear to ear that day and he has made me smile everyday since.
On the same day that the nation celebrates one special birth, Pampers partners with award winning director to celebrate #everybaby

Looking back to 2013 - Little J
Pampers know that every beautiful baby is a prince of princess to their parents, and with 2,000 babies born every day in the UK, each deserve the same joyous celebrations to mark their birthday! At a time of national celebration around one special birth, Pampers wants to celebrate #everybaby born into a world of love, sleep & play in a new captivating film directed by award winning documentary maker, Elizabeth Stopford.
In this moving piece of real-time content, you can watch the epic journey of everyday parents, mirroring the excitement of the new arrival in London. In the 90 second film, created in the same 24 hours that the eyes of the world were fixed on London, we follow the journey of the parents from nervous anticipation through to those precious first moments with their newborns, bringing to life the emotion, adoration and love felt by every parent on the arrival of a new baby.
The film was created and edited within 24 hours, and then aired as a 90 second TV advert during the news - elevating every precious new arrival around the country to national news!
Peter Yorke, Pampers Brand Director says, “We’re incredibly proud of this unique project as by filming in real-time with expectant families, we were able to mirror the journey being featured in the news, enabling the nation to celebrate as one, - by shining a light on every single baby being born at the same time.”
Pampers is the UK’s most trusted nappy brand*, supporting #everybaby in their unique developmental journey. They’re also incredibly proud to work with NCT – the UK’s largest parenting charity – working together to better support parents and babies in the UK. To celebrate #everybaby, Pampers is donating 100,000 nappies to NCT this month who will distribute them to families who need them most.
It won't be long before big J will become a teen. He will celebrate his 13th birthday next month, I really don't know where the time has gone. No doubt I will be reminiscing about the day he was born and I will shed a tear or two knowing that my little baby boy has grown into a really handsome young man. No matter how long ago you brought a baby in to the world you remember it always and its a memory to treasure forever.*in collaboration with Pampers*
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