When I was little we used to have two dogs. I loved them so much and they were big part of our family. I loved taking them for a walk and I remember how much fun i had playing with them. Obviously there is a lot more to having a pet than just playing with them, its important to make sure you take care of your pet and keep them healthy. FRONTLINE Spot On have teamed up with the lovely Ruth Langsford to host a series of videos including hints and tip on how to keep your pets healthy and happy this summer.
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This campaign is very close to Ruth's heart as she is the owner of Maggie a rescue dog.
The campaign has lots of hints and tips on how to keep your dog healthy this summer.
Give pets a once over after walks looking for thorns or grass seeds, as well as nasty parasites like ticks, which can transmit Lyme Disease to both humans and dogs - don’t miss out on those hard to reach areas like in between the toes!
Remember to exercise your dog at the coolest point of the day, to ensure they don’t overheat. Before 9am or after 7pm is best, which may mean some early mornings!
Invest in a water bottle specifically designed for dogs that can be easily carried on walks, so your dog doesn’t become dehydrated
And finally…help protect all cats and dogs in your home against fleas and ticks by treating monthly, throughout the year, with FRONTLINE Spot On– prevention’s better than cure!
And it’s not only your pet which needs care and attention – keeping your house clean and clear of flea infestations, which can take three months or more to overcome, is possible by following the suggestions Ruth and Simone share below:
Treat all cats and dogs in your household with FRONTLINE Spot On monthly all year round for continuous flea and tick protection
Regular vacuuming, particularly in dark places, will help to reduce the number of flea eggs, larvae and pupae in your home - don’t forget under rugs and behind cushions as well in between floorboards! Remember that pets pick up fleas from contaminated environments– not from each other
Always wash pet’s bedding above 60°C every couple of weeks to get rid of any parasites who may have made a home there
Use an environmental spray that contains an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), to kill eggs and larvae – it’s worth remembering there are no products that will kill the pupae stage.
Remember to use it everywhere your pet goes – not just throughout the house, but in your car for example
Remember to use it everywhere your pet goes – not just throughout the house, but in your car for example
Make sure you allow your pets to roam freely around your house once they’ve been treated with FRONTLINE Spot On – this ensures that, if newly hatched fleas jump on, they will be killed. Your pet is now acting as a walking flea killing machine!
Ruth Langsford said: “Maggie is a huge part of our family and, like all pet owners out there, her welfare is a real priority. And of course, keeping homes clean, and in particular preventing flea infestations, is something all pet owners will welcome advice on. By following these simple tips, and remembering to keep pets protected against fleas and ticks with monthly FRONTLINE Spot On applications, owners can look forward to enjoying the good times with their furry friends this summer’.
Keep up to date with all the latest information by visiting FRONTLINE Spot On, Like on Facebook or follow on Twitter
*this is a collaborative post*
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