Well its been a funny old week which started with all four of us but that soon went to just Little J and I. Big J jetted off to Spain on a school trip early hours Monday morning and didn't return until Friday evening. Daddy was away with work in the middle of the week so it was an unusually quiet house.
151/365 - Today was mainly spent packing for Big J's holiday to Spain.

153/365 - Little J and I enjoyed a day all to ourselves. We played in the garden all day. I was very brave and went into the shed to get out his pool even though I am so scared of spiders.
While we were playing in the garden big J was enjoying being in Malaga
Today big J visited a palace and the views are really lovely.
155/365 - Happy Anniversary. Daddy and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary today and he bought me the most beautiful present. Brothers.
156/365 - A quick visit to the park this morning before it started to rain.Big J came home tonight. It was lovely to have him back. I made him his favourite dinner 'homemade lasagne' and then he passed out until Saturday morning.
157/365 - Listening to little J sing 'Let It Go'
152/365 - Big J's holiday to Malaga started with a wake up call at 2:45am to meet at the school at 3:30am
154/365 - A midweek visit to Acorn Venture Farm with Mummy, Nana and Grandad.
Lovely views from Malaga
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