Roald Dahl Storytime At McDonald's

Disclosure - We were invited to the event at McDonalds for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own. 

To celebrate McDonald's teaming up with Roald Dahl for their Happy Readers Campaign we were invited to a very special Roald Dahl story time at McDonald's in Liverpool. Over the six weeks McDonald's will include a book featuring extracts from Roald Dahl books in every happy meal. An estimated 14 million books will be given away.

arm chair in McDonalds

In a survey by McDonald's it was revealed that the Fantastic Mr Fox is the most popular Roald Dahl book for Liverpudlian families. So with that in mind we were treated to a story telling of the book by a local children's theatre group called Travelled Companions.

The setting of the story telling was a nice big cosy chair, a bookcase, cushions and a table. It looked like a living room. The Travelled Companions who specialise in creating original, imaginative and engaging theatre had the little ones mesmerised.

Both big and little J watched every action and listened to every word while an extract of the story was acted out. The two actors were both charming and very funny. I laughed along with the children and found the whole thing enchanting. I could have watched them for hours.

Little J loves stories as does his big brother but has never seen anything like this before and he loved it.

man sat in an arm chair in McDonalds

Top ingredients for exciting storytelling – as voted for by kids!
McDonald’s carried out research into story time and can reveal the top five ingredients for extraordinary Roald Dahl-inspired storytelling, voted for by kids aged 5-11:

Funny voices to bring to life different characters (70%) 
Sounds effects and strange, surprising noises (43%)
Facial gestures and expressions to make them laugh (27%)
Parents, grandparents and siblings taking it in turns to read (20%)
Acting out scenes from their favourite storybook (17%) 

Are you a fan of Roald Dahl? What's your favourite book?


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