When A Celebrity Retweets Your Tweet

It's only recently I have started to use Twitter properly and it's by far my favourite of all the social media channels. I love how fast it is and that you get an actual reply from people when you tweet them. It's a quick way to get in touch with a friend, speak to a company or even tweet a celebrity. Am I the only one who gets excited when a celebrity retweets your tweet?

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I don't really tweet celebrities mainly because I don't have anything to say to them, but on the odd occasion I have tweeted a few. If I was going a concert to see a band or solo artist I will send a tweet or if I have seen a tweet from them I have replied.

I have however tweeted a few members from McBusted and also Giovanna Fletcher and I am so happy when they retweet. Is that sad? I just think its nice to know that amongst the thousands (maybe more) tweets they receive each minute/hour/day they have chose one of mine to retweet. I have had a reply once from Tom Fletcher and that made my day.

A few months ago I tagged Ruth Langsford in a tweet because I had blogged about her campaign to keep pets healthy this summer and she retweeted instantly which got me thinking. Do you think the celebrities actually read the tweets or just hit the retweet button to keep us happy? I am hoping they do read as I like to think they are interested in what people have to say. I know they must get so many but it is nice if they reply or retweet to a select few.

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In the Summer I got a lovely retweet and reply off the lovely Duncan James too.

Have you ever tweeted a celebrity? Did they reply or retweet?


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