Little J Loses His Favourite Bing Bunny

Went we went to Cyprus last Summer little J took a handful of toys. His Winnie the Pooh taggy which he has had since he was born, some cars, his doctors kit and his Bing Bunny. Now if you read my blog you will know that Bing Bunny hadn't been with us very long but he instantly became a favourite and became little J's bedtime buddy along with taggy. When little J was helping to pack his suitcase both Bing and taggy were the first things in the Trunki.

boy asleep in his pram
It's hard when you go away because I instantly think 'what if we lose one of his toys?' he would be devastated. Well it happened to us in Cyprus and it was awful. On the Tuesday before we came home little J had been for his lunch and he would always take taggy and Bing. He knew after lunch he would fall asleep so he had to have his two pals with him. On the walk from the restaurant to the pool area he dozed off holding them both and on the way he must have dropped Bing. 

bing bunny
We noticed as we parked up the pram and he was only holding taggy. Being the caring older brother big J dashed out and retraced our steps to find Bing. He was gone. In the brief moments someone must have picked him up. Daddy went to reception and lost and found but no-one had handed him in. We checked every day for the remainder of our holiday but he had been taken.

Little J was so upset when he realised Bing was missing. We felt so sorry for him, it was awful. The first few nights were the hardest he kept shouting 'Bing' in the night. It's was so sad. We actually told little J that Bing was really hot in Cyprus so he had flew home and would be waiting for us when we got back.

When we got home a new Bing was waiting for us. Grandad had picked a new Bing up for us and even though it was past 5am in the morning after a long day and night little J was so excited to see him.

I'm really not sure what happened to Bing but I was shocked that no-one handed him in. If we found anything that didn't belong to us, we wouldn't even think of keeping something that wasn't ours. With it being a teddy you would think that the person would know it belonged to a child. Even if a child picked it up surely the parents would make sure they reported it to lost and found.

Has your little one ever lost their favourite toy? What did you do?


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