Time Tokens - Keeping Track Of Screen Time

Deciding how much screen time you allow your child to have is definitely a personal choice and should not be judged by others. We decide how much screen time little J can have depending on the day he has had already, the time of day and also as a reward if he has been good. I recently came across Time Tokens and after reading about them I knew this would help us as a visual for little J to remember how much screen time he is allowed per day. 

Time Tokens

Created by Amanda, Time Tokens were designed so we could try and keep track at how long our children are using computers, phones, iPads etc. Using the time tokens we can control how much screen time our children use.

Each Time Tokens pack contains 

Time Tokens

Time Tokens Wallet - Perfect for your child to take responsibility for their own Time Tokens.

A Timer - Just like a stopwatch.

Time Tokens

Time Tokens - They come in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes which we have used for little J.

Time Tokens
60 minute Time Tokens are perfect for big J.

Time Tokens Promise Contract - This allows you to work on the expectations of your child and also agree how much screen time / Time Tokens they will be allowed each week.

Time Tokens

A Golden Time Token - This will hopefully encourage your child to stick to their side of the agreement. If they do they will get a special reward.

Time Tokens

The Frazzles - These are so cute.  Every Time Token features a Frazzle on the reverse. They tell you all about the things they love to do when they are away from screens.

Instructions - Easy and simple.

How Do They Work?
Little J doesn't have a set screen time amount however we have been using the time tokens just to keep track on how much he does use it. The timer is particularly useful to show how long he has left. When we say 10 minute left he can track the time and finish what he is doing. 

I have to say that it has worked really well and it's nice that he can earn a Golden Ticket. We will let little J use the Golden Ticket for a reward of his choice.

Time Tokens are a great way to keep a track of screen time and also a way to reward good behaviour too. They would be particular useful for parents of children who struggle to control their screen time use.

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