When it comes to sleeping my two boys are completely the opposite, they couldn't be more different if they tried. When big J was younger he wouldn't sleep at all. He was awake all day and most of the night. We tried everything from getting in to bed with him to sleeping on his floor, anything to try and get a few hours sleep. He was permanently tired and so were we. Little J on the other hand is awake all day and sleeps all night and has done since he was a baby. He went in his own room in his cot and would quite happily fall asleep on his own and still does now. He goes to bed awake and within 10-15 minutes he is snoring.
Now big J is a teenager he obviously loves his bed and its hard to get him out of it sometimes and little J wakes when he is ready and all is great when it comes to sleep. However we do have a slight problem when it comes to little J, it is the time he goes to sleep. Now I have mentioned this to the health visitor and she didn't seem concerned but I am a little.
Every night about 4.30pm he is ready for his bed. It's like a switch goes off and he goes in to bedtime routine mode. We head up for a bath which we try to drag out as long as possible, Pj's on, bedtime stories and in bed for about 5:15pm and asleep by 5:30pm.
He usually (unless he is unwell) sleeps right through until morning - around 13 hours sleep. He has always slept for a good 12-13 hours and during the day he is happy and content and doesn't get grumpy so I know he must need this sleep. The thing that bothers me is the time he goes its just so early but I know that if he needs 12-13 hours and we have to be up for work and school then it is the right time. I've just never heard of any ones children going to bed so early. It can be quite a rush sometimes getting him to have his dinner early.
I did a little research online and there was lots of information about times our children should go to bed and how long our little ones should sleep for. It seems little J is spot on for the amount of hours he needs and what he actually has. I was a little worried but then I guess I should be happy that he is sleeping as much as he needs.
Based on Age the recommended hours of sleep is as follows
0 - 2 months - 10.5-18 hours sleep
2 - 12 months - 14-15 hours sleep
1 - 3 years - 12-14 hours sleep
3 - 5 years - 11-13 hours sleep
5 - 12 years - 10-11 hours sleep
So this tells us that little J needs 11-13 hours a day and because he doesn't nap during the day then he has it all at night.
The Fine Bedding Company - Junior Range.
We are soon moving little J from his toddler bed to a single bed. It's all ordered and we are waiting for its arrival. I'm hoping he makes the transition as easy as he did from cot to bed. We have searched the Internet for new bedding as his old duvet and covers won't fit his new bed. We love that The Fine Bedding Company has a new junior range. First on the list was a waterproof mattress cover as little J will hopefully be night time potty training very soon so the mattress cover will help with any little accidents.
I'm hoping little J will like his new bed and I think having a clear and consistent bedtime routine since he was little will continue to help.
Our routine has always been
PJ's on
Gather teddies ready for bedtime cuddles
2 stories that he chooses from his books
We then pop the two books next to his bed
Kisses and a cuddle
Tuck in
Nightlight on
Door closed over
We usually hear him talking to himself or looking at one of the books, reading the story in his own words then we hear snoring.
I do think it's important to have a routine.
Do you have one with your child? Also I would love to know whether your little one goes to bed early too?
Do you have one with your child? Also I would love to know whether your little one goes to bed early too?
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