Little J has started really enjoying playing games such as memory games or simple fun games. We have always played games as a family. We spent lots of rainy days with big J playing games and little J is following in his footsteps. When Bunny Jump arrived for little J, I knew he would love it and I had a feeling I would too.
Bunny Jump by University Games is fun and simple and although it is aimed at 5+, little J instantly picked up the rules and found it easy to get started.
Like I said it is very simple and setup is easy. You place all of the 12 carrots in to the 12 holes in the burrow, you pop Bunny on top and you are ready to play.
Each player has a coloured basket to collect your carrots in and you take it in turns to spin the spinner.
The spinner has 4 options that you could land on.
1 carrot means pull out 1 carrot.
2 carrots means pull out 2 carrots.
Half eaten carrot means Bunny has eaten a carrot and you have to pop one of your carrots to the side.
Bid red X means your turn is over.
So once we were set up we started to play.
So depending on what we landed on we played until on one turn the Bunny who had been sitting quietly on the burrow, jumped up in the air when we tried to pull out a carrot.
If someone had caught the Bunny they would have been able to steal 2 carrots from another player. No one caught him first time, however once the initial shock of the Bunny jumping up (giving us all a fun fright) I became a pro at catching the Bunny. However after 3 games I still hadn't won, not that I'm competitive.
Little J is finding it a lot easier to take turns now so we enjoyed 3 games without any tears or whinging that he was losing or that it was someone's turn.
What We Loved
Easy set up - no batteries needed and it was only seconds later we were ready to play.
Simple to play. Little J is only 3 and he loved playing.
Bright and colourful.
The idea is fun and when the bunny jumps it makes you jump too even though you are expecting it - haha.
What Could Improve
Nothing, we love it.
Bunny Jump by University Games is recommended for ages 5+ although I think that would depend on the child.
You can purchase Bunny Jump on Amazon and for more information visit University Games.
*we received Bunny Jump for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own*
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