Num Noms at Bella Italia

I have mentioned Num Noms before on my blog but if you haven't heard of them Nums are adorable, scented, squishy characters with tons of personality. Noms are motorized mischievous characters that move around, they're scented too. Stack the Nums on top of the Noms to make over 1,000 sweet scented combinations. We were recently invited to an event at our local Bella Italia to celebrate the launch of series 2 of Num Noms.

Little J absolutely loves these little characters so when we entered Bella Italia and the floor was covered he dove right in. 'There's loads' he squealed as he quickly found some Noms and then started to wade through all the different characters. He found hot dogs, waffles, fries there was so many.

Out the corner of his eye he noticed a van. We hadn't seen this before so he was very excited.

 He started popping his Num Nom creations on the van and driving it round.

Once he had finished playing with Num Noms it was time to make his very own pizza. Big brother was there to lend a helping hand. There were so many toppings to choose from, cheese, chicken, pepperoni, peppers, mushrooms and ham. Little J isn't as creative with his food as he is with the Num Noms he just chose cheese. 

Big J choose cheese, mushroom and chicken.

While the pizzas cooked it was time to play 'Guess the Smell'

Little J managed to guess the Strawberry Jam and Chocolate correctly. He didn't like the mustard smell, haha.

Once the pizza's were cooked we headed back to our table.

They looked delicious.

Taste delicious too.

Together the boys coloured in for the Num Noms giveaway on twitter, while they waited for their ice cream.

Yum Yum.

Before it was time to go little J played with the Num Noms one more time with Daddy.

Little J made me a yummy Num Nom Ice Cream

We had a lovely time at the Num Noms event to celebrate the release of series 2. Little J actually said when we left ' Can I go again tomorrow?' Huge thanks to the staff at Bella Italia, Cheshire Oaks too they were so friendly to the boys.

To find out more visit Num Noms and they are also available to buy at good toy shops and Amazon.

*we were invited to the Num Noms event, all thoughts and opinions above are my own*

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