Peppa Pig's Alphaphonics Campervan Review

Little J has loved Peppa Pig for as long as I can remember so when we were asked to try out the new Peppa Pig Alphaphonics Campervan I knew little J would love it. Little J loves learning and although he knows his letters and numbers there will be a time soon that he needs to learn his phonics.

The Peppa Pig Alphaphonics Campervan has 8 games that include

Copy Me – Peppa will ask you to copy her and all you have to do is press the sequence of buttons as they light up.

Little J loves this feature. He is really good at following her sequence and enjoys getting it right.

Find The Letter – Peppa will ask you to find the letter.

Find the Character or Object – Peppa will ask you to find the character or object.

What’s The Letter – Peppa will ask you to find the first letter of a word.

For each of the above the Campervan will give you three attempts and if you get it wrong the first time it when then highlight 5 possible answers, get it wrong again and it will highlight three and if you get it wrong a final time it will give the answer.

Little J really enjoys playing these three games. At first he needed lots of help but he's actually picked it up quite easily and now he can get the answers before he gets told the answer.

Try & Spell – Peppa will ask you spell one of the words in the pictures. If you make a mistake the Campervan will encourage you try again give you three attempts before giving a hint.

Little J hasn't mastered this one yet and needs our help but I know over time he will.

There is also option for you to press each individual letter to hear the phonic sound along with the word in the picture. There is also an 'abc' button which will play a tune about the alphabet. As it plays each individual lights up when the sound is coming to help your child relate the sound to the image.


What We Loved

The perfect character for little J to learn from.

Ideal for little ones who need to learn their phonic sounds.

Fun, colourful and lights make it more interesting for the child.

8 different games to choose from.

Helps early letter and word recognition.

 Little J listening skills and attention has improved.

It is helping him to concentrate more.

What Could Improve

Nothing, we love it.


The Peppa Pig Campervan is available to buy at good retailers including Amazon

*we received the Peppa Pig Alphaphonics Campervan for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own*

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