Recently we got the chance to review some wireless airplay speakers from August. We have purchased August products before including headphones and a TV box and they were both really good so we were very excited to test out the speakers. As I am useless with technology I asked Daddy and he has kindly reviewed them so I will hand you over to Daddy now.
TechSavvyDad - I love all technology and will try anything out but I actually like the August brand as like Mummy said we have a few products already that we purchased over the past year. August have an ability to provide quality products at prices that are competitive. The feel of the product is always of good quality and definitely would rival some of the high end rivals in the technology market.
Multiroom is something I haven't ever tried. I have had numerous surround systems and currently I listen to my music using a powerful soundbar that lives behind the TV. That's great until you go upstairs and have to turn the volume up so you can hear your music upstairs. Multiroom changes this with the chance to be able to have numerous speakers connected to one device with the music perfectly in sync in each room.
The August WS300 is a great piece of kit. It feels quality, has a lovely design and looks good too. Once of my pet hates when it comes to sound reproduction is 'tinnyness' - cant think of a better word than that but it annoys me so much. Even in high end speakers sometimes they sound tinny to me. I like to be able to hear my baselines as they are supposed to be. The WS300 doesn't disappoint here and has a nice loud booming bass range with no hint of 'tinnyness' The sound quality overall is good in line with the quality of the product.
The WS150 is a bit like the little brother. This is the same type of speaker - looks the same, feels the same, but smaller. With smaller as you would expect volume isn't quite as powerful yet the sound quality remains with no 'tinnyness' noted even at high volume. The little brother is perfect for a bedroom or bathroom as you don't need the sound to be quite so loud in smaller rooms.
The multiroom feature is impressive and there is no lag between speakers. It works very well. The setup was easy on an Apple device with a well designed app making setup easy, however I wasn't able to get the multiroom feature running from my android devices as that app isn't as good and I couldn't get the wifi pairing right.
Overall I would recommend the WS300 and WS150 systems to anyone using apple as their output device -not so much so for android users at the moment. Having said that I am sure it would just take an app update to fix this so watch this space.
To receive a whopping 40% off visit August
*we received the August Multiroom speakers for the purpose of this review - All thoughts and opinions are our own*
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