When big J was growing up Teletubbies dominated our TV and also big J's toy box. He absolutely loved Teletubbies and had lots of Teletubbies toys including talking ones, a phone, books, even a Noo Noo that moved along the floor. Teletubbies were so popular, they were everywhere and you just had to love them. When the Teletubbies made a comeback I was so excited because little J is the perfect age and I knew he would love Teletubbies just like his big brother did. I wasn't wrong. Our house has been filled with various Teletubbies toys over the past 9 months and now little J has just received the Teletubbies magazine.
Whenever we are out shopping little J will head straight to the magazines, usually looking at what free gifts are on offer. He usually likes the bright colours and familiar characters of CBeebies so when he saw the Teletubbies magazine his little face did light up.
Once he had opened the free gift, which was a cute Laa Laa figure and a bed he sat on the floor and played with that for 10 minutes. He tucked her in then got her up again and then just played with the figure on it's own. I love kids imaginations. Anyway so once he had finished playing we got stuck in to the magazine.
As expected the magazine is jam packed with activities, stories and little J's other favourite part, stickers.
Little J usually likes me to get involved when it comes to doing the activities in magazines so we set aside some time to read the stories and do some of the activities.
It is so bright and colourful throughout that little J also sat alone flicking through the pages looking at the pictures.
What We Loved
Free gift was actually good quality. Sometimes magazine toys can be poorly made and usually end up in the bin.
Stickers. Everyone loves stickers and little J enjoys putting them everywhere.
Magazine was full of activities that both little J and I enjoyed doing together.
Everyone loves Teletubbies - they are cute, colourful and fun.
What Could Improve
Nothing, it was a big hit here.
The Teletubbies magazine is out now and is priced at £2.99
*The magazine was sent to us for the purpose of this review and I was compensated for my time - all thoughts, opinions, photographs and video footage are our own.
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