Our Top Five Takeaway Apps

Its nearly time to decorate our home ready for the Christmas celebrations. We have a tradition that every year on decoration day, we will tidy up, then get the decorations from the loft. After that the usual ornaments and pictures take their turn up in the loft for a month or so, and then the decorating begins. At about the time we are sorting the teddies and ornaments, we will usually order a takeaway meal to be delivered. Now I remember when we first started the tradition of decoration day we would go out for something to eat, but we would find ourselves short of time and rushed. Over the years that we have been ordering in I think that Pizza has been the most popular choice, but then is that because until recently Pizza was one of the only things you could get delivered?

In this day and age, food delivery is no longer limited to just pizza. Gone are the days of locating a handful of delivery options online, locating a phone number, placing a call through an automated system and waiting for your food. With food delivery now available through apps, getting a great plate of food from a plethora of restaurants to your doorstep is easy. Here are our favourite delivery apps of the year that will give us even more options this year!

Just Eat

Just Eat has a large restaurant database and makes delivery simple. The company has made its mark across the globe and the app is easy to navigate and will aims to get food to your door and into your tummy fast.

Hungry House

Hungry House specialises in over 60 cuisine types and has over 10,000 restaurants to choose from. The app allows you to receive live updates on where your food is, and remembers your previously ordered items.


Deliveroo is a popular food delivery app that works with many well-known restaurants throughout the UK. Deliveroo utilises both fast food and dine-in restaurants to offer a wide selection of dishes to choose from.

One Delivery (Fleet)

For the avid fast-food only types, One Delivery is the best choice. With over 500 of the most popular fast-food places such as McDonalds and Burger King, choosing your craving is quick and simple. Their app is called Fleet and can be downloaded through Andriod and iOS.

Uber Eats London

UberEats, a popular American food delivery company, has made its way across the pond and plans on expanding to other cities in the UK. Strict to London at the moment, UberEats offers plenty of restaurants and promo codes to sweeten the deal.

With many great apps to choose from, and a variety of cravings to satisfy, our next hankering for a hot meal will definitely be satisfied with any of these handy apps.

I think its fair to say that this year we won’t be using Uber Eats London, unless we want to eat a day after we order!

But any of the others look a sound choice for us.  We have used Just Eat and Hungry House in the past, and both have been simple to use and delivery has been as expected.

Have a look at the apps and see what you think.  What will you be eating on decoration day?

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