The movie Disney Cars has a special place in our hearts as it was the first movie big J ever watched at the cinema. It wasn't the first movie we went to see, that was Happy Feet. We didn't actually get in to screening for that one as he was too scared but that's another story. So Disney Cars was a part of our lives for a long time until big J grew out of the toys and the movies. It was a 'Toy Story 3' moment, you know when Woody and Buzz are preparing themselves for the attic, we packed up the cars and playsets and off to the loft they went. It's was so sad when they went up and I honestly didn't think they would see the light of day again.
Some of his favourites
A few months ago Daddy went up in to the loft and retrieved a huge bin of cars. There was so many up there and we talked about maybe just giving him a few every now and then but seeing how much he loves them we gave them all to him. To say he was excited is an understatement, he went crazy.
He quickly learnt their names and has enjoyed playing with them so much. It actually makes me melt inside because it just brings back memories of big J and when he used to play with them. He loved those cars and his little brother is now loving them to.
Luigi's Tyres and Ramones Paint Shop
Now big J had the little town, Radiator Springs play sets and they were up in the loft too. So when little J wasn't feeling very well, we decided to let him have them. His exact words were ' Oh My God' when he saw them. That day he sat and played with them for hours and has every day since.
He built them a nice tent
It's so lovely to watch him play with the cars. He genuinely loves each and every one and because he appreciates them all, it makes me so happy to see him get enjoyment out of them. His big brother does join in playing with them too and has taught him their names and their colours.
Checking Holly's Wheels
I am so glad we kept them because it's so nice that they both got enjoyment out of the same toys. I'm sure he will be adding to his collection over time as there are so many different Disney Cars out there now especially as Cars 3 has hit the cinema.
Taking his favourites for a little walk around town
Have you passed any toys down between siblings? Isn't it such a lovely feeling watching them enjoy them just as much as their sibling did.
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