You may have read our recent post about our favourite places to go on holiday, one of the things that we always plan very well for when going abroad is the heat. Whether it be Florida, Majorca, or even at home in the UK, its always important to stay safe when the sun is out. The last thing you want to happen on holiday to either yourself or your little ones is Sunburn. You can lose a good few days from your holiday to the effects of sunburn and it can be easily avoided.
Our top tips for staying safe in the sun are . . .
1 - Always Make Sure You Take Plenty Of Good Quality Sun Cream With You.
That way you can be sure you are taking a quality product with a brand you are comfortable with. Take more than you need - you never know how hot it can get abroad. Don't forget that the chances are you wont be bringing it home with you so there will always be space in the suitcases for gifts and souvenirs of your holiday.
2 - Apply Sun Cream Often Throughout The Day.
Especially with little ones in and out of the pool. Most Sun Creams claim to be water resistant but the small print always advises reapplication after entering the water. We always make sure to top up before and after the pool. When in the pool its the shoulders and face that tend to get burnt with the sun reflecting off the water so its really important. After the pool, dry off and then reapply to be safe.
3 - Avoid The Sun At The Hottest Time Of Day.
Usually around midday is a good time to go and get some lunch. Although it can be tempting to stay outside and either have snack, or for the adults a liquid lunch, the safest thing to do is get inside, out of the sun and have some food and top up your bodies water levels. Its easy to get dehydrated when out in the sun and that will only add to the woes of sunburn.
4 - Use A Good Quality After Sun.
We use Aloe concentrated after suns and they can help to restore your skins moisture quickly, potentially reducing any burn that may appear on the skin.
5 - Drink Plenty of Water.
We always make sure we drink lots of water when out in the sun. This helps to replace any water lost from the body from the sun, from burnt skin, and from any sweating that may occur when the temperature is up. This will help avoid any nasty headaches and nausea that the sun can cause when you are overexposed.
6 - Be Sensible.
If you are out in the sun for too long, no matter what protection you may have, you will burn. Be mindful of how long you and your little ones have been enjoying the sun. There is no harm in having breaks, the sun will still be there when you have enjoyed some shade and cooled down.
With the Summer Holidayssummer holidays coming up now, and lots of you jetting off to nice hot places its really important to plan for the sun. If you have any other tips that have helped you in the past please share them below.
*Disclaimer - All thoughts, opinions and photographs within this post are my own, however I was compensated for my time when writing this post*
*Disclaimer - All thoughts, opinions and photographs within this post are my own, however I was compensated for my time when writing this post*
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