Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. This post may contains affiliate links.
As you may already know we are a Board Game Club blogger and each month we receive a game to play. We received something a little different this month, Rory's Story Cubes. I have never heard of them before so we were all eager to try them out. The idea behind the story cubes is you create a story using all nine icons shown on the cubes that you roll out in front of you.
The nine cubes have various images on and once rolled out you let your imagination take over. They come in a handy pocket sized box that closes with a magnet so you could take them anywhere.
At first I was unsure how or when we would use something like this as it's not actually a game. There is no board, rules or winner at the end. I did check the website for inspiration on how or when we could play this and it gave me lots of ideas.
Fun storytelling for family and friends, create magical moments with all generations, especially useful for the holidays.
Promoting literacy and language in the classroom – used and endorsed by educators across the globe.
Teaching Foreign Languages – endorsed by TEFL educators.
Creative Writing aid – Used for improving creative writing skills and as a tool when hitting the dreaded writer’s block.
Background story generator in role playing games – Create background stories and character scenarios for your next role playing game.
Ice breaker – At a party or in a work meeting, break the ice by rolling the dice and create shared experiences.
Idea generation and problem solving.
Agile coaching.
Bedtime stories – Create unique stories and adventures with your little ones every night. Never run out of ideas.
Improves social connections – Encourages, empathy and self esteem through storytelling.
It's amazing how a package so small and simple can be used in so many ways. We have used ours at bedtime to create a story for little J. It's been so much fun because you can take the story anywhere and create as much fun and silliness as you want. Each night has been a different story and last night little J created his own.
What We Loved
Handy sized cubes that are portable.
Lots of different uses.
Allows us to create unique stories each night at bedtime.
What Could Improve
Nothing, we love them
You can read more about Rory's Story Cubes and check out the full range available. Rory's Story Cubes retail at £9.99 and can be purchased online and on Amazon
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