Review | Strictly Briks

Disclosure - We were gifted products for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own.

Little J loves building and creating and the past few weeks he has been doing plenty of that playing with Strictly Briks. We hadn't heard of the brand before so were eager to find out more and what they had to offer. We were sent a selection of items and have had so much fun using our imagination to build some impressive creations.

We received

Brik Tower which includes 6 baseplates that are 10" x 10" plus 50 stackers

Brik Tower 12 baseplates that are 6" x 6" plus 80 stackers

and our favourite Trap and Gap Baseplates.

The idea is simple you take a baseplate and stackers and begin to build up. We started with the larger baseplates and added stackers to each of its four corners we then popped another baseplate on top. Continue to build up until you have made a tower.

Next little J decided to build a small fort for his figures so we used the smaller baseplates and doubled  up on the stackers to make the gap in between the baseplates bigger.

The Trap and Gap set is large baseplates however they have ramps or trap doors to enhance play. Little J used them to drive his cars up and down which he really enjoyed.

Next it was time to see how high we could build. Little J created a strong base then continued to build up and up. He concentrated hard to try and keep the tower steady, the stackers are nice and sturdy so didn't wobble once. He was so happy when he was able to make a tower as tall as he is. 

Strictly Brik are great for getting your little ones to use their imaginations. They come in all different shapes, colours and sizes. You can extend your play by using other brands bricks too which are fully compatible with the baseplates. 

You can find out more about Strictly Brik by visiting their Amazon storefront or their website


*We received PR Samples for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own. This post also contains affiliate links, they work at no cost to you however can help towards the running of my blog.*

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