A few weeks ago I said to John how lucky we were that we got through Christmas and New Year without any illnesses. There is usually one of us if not more that gets wiped out by a cold or worse the flu, but this year we survived. I spoke too soon. Last week I woke during the early hours of the morning feeling awful. I was hot but cold, I had a headache and my throat so sore. I went to the bathroom and took two paracetamol and hoped that in the morning I would feel better, I didn't.
It's very unusual for me to get sick with either a cold or sore throat and not be able to carry on but I couldn't. I lay on the sofa and couldn't move. I had to ring in work sick, which, as John said is a sign i must be bad! I love my job and usually carry on even when I'm under the weather. John got the boys off to school and I just lay on the sofa all day. I didn't move, honestly not once. I couldn't eat or drink, I felt like every time I swallowed I was swallowing a razor blade, I had nausea and the worst headache ever. I kept telling myself that I would feel better later whilst drifting in and out of sleep.
That night I tossed and turned all night. I was on top of the duvet, then under the duvet and repeated this all night. I tried to sip water as and when I could and kept on top of my paracetamol.
The next three days were a blur. I had no energy and was just in and out of sleep. Poor John felt helpless and wondered if he should ring out a doctor but they do say to try and take care of yourself at home first which is what I did, but it became obvious I needed to see one.
I managed to get to the doctors on Friday and she confirmed I had tonsillitis. I laughed, I thought it was a joke. I had a tonsillectomy 30 years ago but apparently you can still get tonsillitis if the scars from where your tonsils get infected, and mine were.
The doctor gave me antibiotics and I was sent home to recover. The antibiotics were not the usual ones but I didn't think anything of it just took them and lay on the sofa. Within one hour I had a bad reaction to them and was doubled over in pain in my stomach. I googled the antibiotics and apparently they can cause nausea and sickness and not many people online had anything good to say about them. John rang the doctor and lucky enough she made out a new prescription.
It's been a week since I got ill and I am still not 100% but I am slowly getting back to being myself. I don't think I have ever been as wiped out as I have been over the last week, and I will never moan about a little sore throat again.
It's very unusual for me to get sick with either a cold or sore throat and not be able to carry on but I couldn't. I lay on the sofa and couldn't move. I had to ring in work sick, which, as John said is a sign i must be bad! I love my job and usually carry on even when I'm under the weather. John got the boys off to school and I just lay on the sofa all day. I didn't move, honestly not once. I couldn't eat or drink, I felt like every time I swallowed I was swallowing a razor blade, I had nausea and the worst headache ever. I kept telling myself that I would feel better later whilst drifting in and out of sleep.
That night I tossed and turned all night. I was on top of the duvet, then under the duvet and repeated this all night. I tried to sip water as and when I could and kept on top of my paracetamol.
The next three days were a blur. I had no energy and was just in and out of sleep. Poor John felt helpless and wondered if he should ring out a doctor but they do say to try and take care of yourself at home first which is what I did, but it became obvious I needed to see one.
I managed to get to the doctors on Friday and she confirmed I had tonsillitis. I laughed, I thought it was a joke. I had a tonsillectomy 30 years ago but apparently you can still get tonsillitis if the scars from where your tonsils get infected, and mine were.
The doctor gave me antibiotics and I was sent home to recover. The antibiotics were not the usual ones but I didn't think anything of it just took them and lay on the sofa. Within one hour I had a bad reaction to them and was doubled over in pain in my stomach. I googled the antibiotics and apparently they can cause nausea and sickness and not many people online had anything good to say about them. John rang the doctor and lucky enough she made out a new prescription.
It's been a week since I got ill and I am still not 100% but I am slowly getting back to being myself. I don't think I have ever been as wiped out as I have been over the last week, and I will never moan about a little sore throat again.
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