You many have read recently that I was struck down last week with cold/flu symptoms and it completely wiped me out. I felt so ill and although I did need antibiotics in the end there are ways that you can try and beat cold / flu symptoms at home. Here are our top tips on how to beat the common cold.
This mouth spray can actually prevent a cold before or at the first signs of getting one. Have you ever woke up and your throat is a little scratchy, you have a cough or a runny nose? They are the signs of getting a cold and using ColdZyme Mouth Spray there and then can reduce the probability of getting one or if you are in the early stage of infection if can shorten the duration.
ColdZyme works by coating the lining of the mucous membrane, creating a protective barrier. the barrier acts osmotically on the col viruses, trapping them and preventing them from binding with human cells, helping the body to remove them naturally.
Using the mouth spray is really easy all you need to do is aim the nozzle of your spray to towards your throat and press twice for two puffs. You do this every second hour up to six times daily. If you are not showing signs of a cold yet but have been exposed to someone who has one you can use the spray during that time. If you already have a cold you can continue to use until your symptoms are relived.
I am not that keen about taking Paracetamol however it does help especially if you have a headache or aches and pains. Unfortunately when you are suffering from cold or flu symptoms your whole body gets attacked and taking paracetamol can take the edge of the aches or a sore throat.
Wash Hands
Germs and viruses can spread really quickly on all types of surfaces and because we use our hands so much they become the perfect place for germs to gather on. Washing your hands will help get rid of those germs. You should be washing your hands regularly throughout the day in addition to after using the bathroom. Antibacterial gels now make it easier to have a quick freshen up on the go but washing hands is still important even while using the gel.
The aim is to wash for at least 20 seconds including in between the fingers and under the fingernails if possible.
Keeping hydrated is so important every day but even more so if you are feeling under the weather. If you are suffering from a cold or flu you may not feel like eating so to avoid becoming dehydrated make sure you drink plenty of fluids. Water is best however tea and broth can also be good but make sure you stay away from coffee, alcohol and caffeine heavy drinks such as cola.
Plenty of Rest
When we just have the beginning of a cold or flu it's often necessary for us to carry on with our daily duties and lives, however at this point getting plenty of rest can help prevent you from getting a cold or shorten the duration. Sleep allows your body to be completely rested and it's then that your immune system works hard to fight off any infection that's in your body. So make sure you slow down and take it easy because rest and sleep can help you bounce back quicker.
Hopefully these little tips will help you beat a cold over the next few cold months.
Do you have any other tips you could share?
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