Review | Casdon Supermarket Till

Playing shop is something that never gets old, we love playing shop and as little J gets older although it is still lots of fun we can make it educational too. For the past few weeks we have been playing with the Casdon Supermarket Till and it's been a great addition to his role play toys.

The Casdon Supermarket till gives little J the chance to be a customer or a shop keeper. He always chooses the shopkeeper. He will set up the selection of branded play food into a nice display so that I can choose what I would like to buy. It's nice to see branded food as it's food he recognises and makes it more realistic. He did actually ask me when we first opened the till whether the artic roll was real or not. He loves Artic Roll so I did have tell him it wasn't real.

Once his shop is set up I'm ready to shop. He gives me some money and I'm ready to choose my items.

The Casdon Supermarket Till features a 'touch-sensitive' screen display and a working calculator. Little J loves numbers and is always on the calculator pricing up the items.

The working microphone is a great feature for making customer announcements or to ask for more help at the checkout. Little J has heard supermarket announcements whilst we have been out shopping so it's been so funny listening to him put callouts for 'a cleaner to aisle 2' and  'all staff to checkouts'

If I forget my money I can always use my card at little J's shop because his Casdon Supermarket Till has a chip and pin feature. There is also a scanner and an opening cash drawer.

As little J is almost 6 now The Casdon Supermarket Till is a great way for us to help boost counting and early maths skills. He loves working out how much things cost and then working out how much change he needs to give us.

Little J loves his new till and it fits in perfectly with his other role play toys.


**We received PR Samples for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own. This post also contains affiliate links, they work at no cost to you however can help towards the running of my blog.* 

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