Can A Poor Diet Affect Learning? | AD

Disclosure - This is a paid collaboration with Manor Lodge School

A bottle of milk and two oranges
There has been a lot of exploration into whether or not a child’s diet affects their ability to learn. The most popular answer to that question is yes. It has been proven that poor diet can negatively affect learning. Many researchers and education professionals, including a private school in Hertfordshire, believe that the type of food a child eats affects their cognitive abilities. In fact, a lack of fruit, vegetables and dairy is associated with poorer grades.

Specific vitamins and minerals are obtained by our bodies from a nutritious diet that play a huge role in brain growth, development and learning. That’s why a healthy, balanced diet is particularly important for school children.

Studies show that overweight children show less brain activity, most prominently in the frontal cortex. This part of the brain is typically associated with concentration, planning, motivation and short-term memory, all important aspects of studying. Staying hydrated is also very important, as even the smallest of drops in fluid can make it harder to focus on a screen or a page of text. In fact, it can hinder the ability to process information in general.

Children are growing and moving around a lot at school, meaning they need a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to support their bodies and minds. Start with a healthy, hearty breakfast, as skipping breakfast can be very detrimental. Cereals with high sugar content are not a good option, because they boost energy for a short period of time but not for the whole day. Porridge is better, as it maintains a steady energy level throughout the day.

All students deserve the chance to be healthy and successful at school. Do what you can in your home to ensure they eat the right sorts of food. There are lots of recipes online that can help you incorporate fruit and vegetables into meals for those of you who have fussy little eaters.


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