How To Enjoy Breakfast As A Family | AD

Disclosure - This post is a paid collaboration with nutella. The idea for this post, thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own.

Family enjoying breakfast
As a family there is one thing all four of us thrive on and that is routine. When little J was born we decided that having a routine was something we needed if we were going to be able to manage as a new family of four. Some days our routine doesn't always go to plan but one thing we always try to stick to is enjoying breakfast together as a family. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so I like to make sure that we all come together to enjoy a balanced meal to get us through the day.


If you are going to enjoy breakfast together as a family then you have to prepare. I always make sure that I have all the ingredients that I need and I try to vary what we eat each day. I always set my alarm 15 minutes before the boys wake up time so I know that I have plenty of time to not only prepare the breakfast but to have time to enjoy it too.

boy enjoying milk
 A Balanced Breakfast

My Mum has always said to me that you should eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunchtime and a pauper for dinner. It's an old saying, which is just a saying, but it has always stuck with me. Breakfast is the first meal of the day so it's important to make sure you eat as your body won't have had any food for hours while you slept.

I like to offer the boys a variety of breakfast options each day. Big and little J like different foods at breakfast time. They both have different favourite cereals, little J likes toast and pancakes whilst big J prefers waffles and croissants.

Whether we spread it on top of our toast or waffles, we enjoy one heaped teaspoon of nutella (15g, 80kcal) which is the perfect portion size per person, to be enjoyed as part of a balanced breakfast.

spreading Nutella on toast
Big J loves toast and spreading the nutella himself is one of his favourite breakfast. He doesn't like to use a knife he prefers to use the spoon, which takes a little bit longer but as long as he is happy then I am happy.

Eat Together

Every mealtime we eat together at the table. It's something we have always done and will continue to do. I'm not a big fan of take away breakfasts and eating on the go, I like to sit and enjoy my breakfast and watching the boys eat knowing that they have had a balanced breakfast before school.

smiling family at the breakfast table
There are so many distractions nowadays with iPads and phones, social media and video games, mealtimes are now a perfect chance to get away from those distractions and actually talk to each other.


When I was younger my Nan would say it was rude to talk at the table. It's funny how times change as now I feel talking at the table brings us closer. During breakfast it's our time to chat about our day ahead whether it's what we will be getting up to, what the boys have to look forward to at school, activities they have planned after school or even what we are having for dinner. It's so nice just to take 15 minutes out of the day to sit round as a family and enjoy spending time together.

Spending time together as a family at breakfast time really does make us feel a lot happier as we start our day. It's relaxed and enjoyable and I know that the boys are starting their day with a balanced breakfast. Nutella has teamed up with leading family psychologist Linda Blair, to develop the Happy Portion formula - looking at tips for a great breakfast time. The campaign helps to show that spending time together as a family at breakfast time can have a positive effect on the rest of your day, whilst enjoying one heaped teaspoon of nutella as part of a balanced and varied diet.  If you would like to read more about nutella's Happy Portion Campaign, head over to 

I would love to hear how you spend time together as family at breakfast time and if you have any tips  on breakfast time as a family please do share with #nutellaHappyPortion


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