Moving On From Fortnite

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fortnite figures
It's been well over a year now since Fortnite started to dominate the boys Xbox time. Big J started first and at the time John and I knew very little about the game. Big J would play it in his room and we had no need to know about the game or anything else until little J started to talk about it. He hadn't learnt about it from his big brother, it was his friends in school. He would come home and talk about characters and dances and was desperate to play it. John and I limited his Fortnite time but it has been his 'go to' game ever since when he has Xbox time until recently, he's starting to drift towards other games and is desperately searching for another game as popular as Fortnite.

It started just after the Summer holidays when he got FIFA 20 for Xbox. He loves all things football at the moment and it's nice for John as he gets to play FIFA with him too. Whenever he has Xbox time now he is asking to play FIFA and it is such a relief to see something on the TV other than Fortnite.

Also the past few months he has started coming home from school asking to play in his brothers room on UFC. Again I had no idea what UFC was but big J said it was okay and suitable for little J's age range. It's like wrestling and little J seems to like it.

Then a few weeks ago he asked if he could play Minecraft. He hasn't played Minecraft in so long, it was a pre Fortnite game. He loaded up his old save and has been happily building and creating in the Minecraft world since. He seems to enjoy building houses and decorating them with signs and other bits and bobs.

He has also been dipping in and out of Hello Neighbour too.  It's a strange little game about trying to figure out what your neighbour is getting up to without him knowing. He needs help with this so it's a game we have been playing together. It's quite hard for a PEGI-7 but it is quite fun to watch even if he's not actually doing the controls.

So for now I think we are definitely moving on from Fortnite. I'm happy in one way because I know how addictive it is and it has caused more tantrums in our house than anything else but on the other we have invested so much money in to the game buying characters, accessories and dances and we haven't got anything physical to show for it.


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