Make Your Own Christmas Wreath | AD

Disclosure - This post is a paid collaboration with Rainbow Chalk.

Handprint wreath
When it comes to Christmas decorations around the house and on our tree our theme each year is always 'anything goes'. I love seeing photos of trees and houses that are decorated in certain colours but since big J was little we have always added homemade decorations each year to our tree and I wouldn't have it any other way. We have already started creating some decorations and this year little J asked if he could make a Christmas Wreath. We browsed the internet for lots of ideas but in the end he just went with what he felt right and he created the most perfect wreath ever, and I love it.

a plate upside down
First get a large piece of card and pop a plate on top. The size of the plate will determine how big your wreath is.

Next draw around the wreath to create a circle shape. Obviously this will not work if you use square plates!

Once the circle is complete cut around the circle.

a smaller plate
Now you need to find a smaller plate or large mug to draw round in the centre of the circle. Cut it out.

cut out circle
The shape for your wreath is complete.

It's time to decorate your wreath. Little J has chosen to decorate his with handprints.

green handprints on paper
green handprints on paper
I painted his hands green and we made handprints which we cut out.

green handprints on paper
We then stuck the handprints around the wreath.

scrunched up tissue paper
green handprints on paper
Once the handprints were on, little J rolled up small pieces of red tissue paper to make berries which we stuck at the bottom of the handprints. 

We popped two holes at the top of the wreath and threaded some ribbon through.

Now little J's handprint Christmas wreath is ready for hanging.

green handprints on paper wreath
This is a really simple and fun Christmas crafts activity. The wreaths make lovely gifts for grandparents and other family members.

If you are looking for more Christmas Crafts ideas, Rainbow Chalk have shared with me a step by step guide to 7 Christmas Crafts.

Do you have any Christmas crafts planned for this year? I would love to find some more ideas so please do let me know. 


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