Rubik's Puzzles - The Perfect Stocking Filler

Disclosure - We were gifted a Rubik's Puzzle Bundle for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own. This post also contains affiliate links.

selection of  rubiks cubes
Growing up I loved my Rubik's Cube. It was one of those toys that I could pick up and play at anytime. I say I loved it but it used to annoy me so much because I never completed more than one side. I remember my friends and I bringing our Rubik's cubes to a friends house and we sat for hours trying to complete at least two sides. One of our friends did it and we all couldn't believe it until we realised she had peeled the coloured squares off her cube and arranged them so it looked like she had done it, she hadn't.

rubiks 3x3
Even though we couldn't do it, it never stopped us playing with it and it doesn't surprise me to read that a survey completed recently suggested a third of parents would buy a Rubik's Puzzle as a stocking filler.

What does surprise me is the different variations of Rubik's Cube that are now available, having been sent a few to try out I have managed to lose a few hours trying to solve each one, although so far I haven't been successful!

Rubiks Cage
Rubik's Cage is a clever strategy game for 2 - 4 players, where players take turns with the cage trying to get three colours in a row lined up. Sounds simple, but it isn't!

Rubiks edge
Rubiks edge
Rubiks edge
Rubiks edge
Rubik's Edge is the smallest cube I have seen, imagine a third of a Rubik's Cube and thats the edge. Trying to get each side to have only one colour was harder than on the original.

Rubiks 2x2
Rubik's 2x2 cube is another smaller version of the original 3x3, and you would think that it would be easy to master, but with over 3.7 Million combinations you would be wrong!

Rubiks orbit
Rubiks orbit
Rubiks orbit
Rubik's Orbit was my favourite of the variants I have looked at. With this cube (that isn't a cube!) you have to solve all six sides by rotating the rings to match the colour all the way round.  Its a bit like the 2x2 cube but much more round and just as challenging.

Rubiks match card
Rubik's Match is a card based game for 1 to 4 players in which you need to battle your opponent to match your Cubie cards to the challenge card.  It felt like a mixture of snap and a puzzle, but is good fun and the games are quick, so brilliant for travel.

I have really enjoyed rediscovering the fun of Rubik's, reminiscing back to days when simple toys gave hours of fun and didn't need to be plugged in to do so.


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