The Perfect Club Sandwich

Disclosure - We were sent the product below for the purpose of this post. This is a paid collaboration however all thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own unless stated. 

Club Sandwich and French's Mustard
Due to bad weather and sickness we haven't left the house much this week. All our plans were cancelled but we have tried to make the most of it by trying something new everyday. The boys love helping out in the kitchen, making their own lunches and snacks. We have made lots of different lunches this week but today has been their favourite. We all decided to make our very own club sandwich. You will usually find a Club Sandwich on lunch menus in pubs and restaurants and I'm not exactly sure what the ingredients should be as they vary from place to place so we decided to create our own perfect club sandwich using Frenchs Mustard.

Making a Club Sandwich and French's Mustard
 Finding ingredients for your club sandwich is easy just head to your local supermarket.


3 pieces of seeded granary bread
Tortilla Chips
Frenchs Mustard
A sprinkle of Organic Ground Linseed/Flaxseed (in the mustard dip)
Skewer (to hold the bread in place)

Making a Club Sandwich and French's Mustard
Making a Club Sandwich and French's Mustard

1. Butter the 3 pieces of bread with low fat margarine, butter or light mayo, whatever works best for you.

2. Lay the bread out flat and on one piece of bread layer ham, turkey and lettuce.

3. Place the second piece of bread on top and repeat the layers of ham, turkey and lettuce.

4. Top with Frenchs Mustard.

5. Place the third piece of bread on top.

6. Cut diagonally. Cutting the bread in to triangles isn't necessary but I think it looks nicer.

7. Place a skewer through the sandwich to hold the bread and ingredients in place.

8. Enjoy with tortilla chips, skinny fries or just eat on its own.

Making a Club Sandwich and French's Mustard
Instead of lettuce the boys topped their sandwich with tortilla chips although John and I had the chips on the side and used the mustard as a dip. We haven't used mustard as a dip before but it was actually really tasty and gave the chips a little kick. Next time I think we will sprinkle in some paprika too.

What ingredients would you use in your perfect club sandwich?


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