Ideas To Enjoy Halloween When You Can't Go Trick Or Treating

Some people don't agree with trick or treating however we have always let the boys trick or treat at our neighbours houses on Halloween. It's something they have both looked forward to over the years but due to recent events I'm not sure whether we will get out and about this Halloween, however I will still make it lots of fun. Here are some ideas to enjoy Halloween when you can't go trick or treating. 


Decorate Your Home

We have always decorated our home for Halloween although I always feel like we don't get time to enjoy it as we are out most of the evening. Why not put your decorations up at the beginning of half term. Make your home more spookier than ever and it will be the perfect setting for your night of spooky fun. 

Spooky Treasure Trail

Our children may not be able to knock on neighbours doors for treats but that doesn't mean they have to miss out. Create a spooky treasure trail for them to follow collecting sweets and chocolates along the way. 


Decorate Cookies

Who can make the spookiest cookie? You can let your imagination run wild and create the most scariest looking cookies ever. Why not host a competition to see who's is the best and then you can eat them.

Play Games

I'm not talking about Monopoly or Scrabble, create some spooky games to play with the kids. How about pin the wart on the witch, or an old favourite duck apple. 

Read Spooky Stories

Turn all the lights down and give the kids some torches and read spooky stories in the dark.

deathly hallows pumpkin

Carve A Pumpkin

Most will have their pumpkins picked and carved ready for Halloween but it's a great activity to do together and when best than on the most spookiest night of the year. 

Host A Movie Night

There are so many family friendly Halloween movies to enjoy. Host a movie night. You can even make a movie ticket, give the children money to spend at the snack and drink kiosk, turn down the lights and enjoy the movie. 

Find The Pumpkins

During lockdown homes all round the country popped rainbow drawings and paintings in their windows. During our daily walks we would look for rainbows and count how many we spotted. This year communities are trying to do something similar but displaying pumpkins. It's a lovely idea and I know the kids would love it too.

No matter what you decide to do this Halloween I hope you have a very spooky time and please keep safe.

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