The Rainbow Blots Review

Disclosure - We received a copy of The Rainbow Blots for the purpose of this post. Any thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own. This post contains affiliate links.

Red and yellow and pink and green, orange and purple and blue. This is part of the rainbow song that we all know. We think this song teaches us the colours of the rainbow when in fact they are not the correct colours at all. The Rainbow Blots is a beautiful children's book that not only teaches us the correct colours but in the correct order too. 

The rainbow Blots

The story begins when Mummy Rainbow lowers down her blots to the ground and encourages them to go and have fun. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet explore the world and along the way they tell us about each other and what the love. Red Blot loves to play with red things. He tells us four of his favourites including a rose, strawberries, cherries and his red car.

The rainbow Blots

Not only does the book encourage us to learn the colours of the rainbow it is also a lovely introduction to colours for younger ones. The bright, bold illustrations are eye catching and lots of fun too.

The author of The Rainbow Blots Carlie Wright has composed a nursery rhyme which is accompanied by 2D animations of the characters from the book. It really does help bring the story to life. 

The rainbow Blots

The Rainbow Blots is a beautiful story with fun illustrations and will make the perfect story book for little ones.

Unfortunately our giveaway is now closed however you can purchase The Rainbow Blots on Amazon.


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