Cheatwell Games Topix and Family Quiz Night Review and Giveaway

Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 

family quiz night and topix games

Last weekend our plans were cancelled and we ended up staying at home. It's very rare that we have a whole weekend at home but it was a a good opportunity to try out two new board games we had been sent from Cheatwell Games

family quiz night

Family Quiz Night 
Family Quiz Night from Cheatwell Games is a quiz game that is suitable for all the family. Family Quiz Night is easy to set up with just a board, counters, die and quiz questions which are already set up in the box. 

Each player rolls the die and moves around the board answering questions on the topic they land on. There’s a wide range of categories such as People, History, Geography, TV, Movies and Pot Luck. 

quiz questions

When you roll the dice you move the number of spaces that is shown on the die. The die allows you to move 1,2 or 3 spaces. Another player reads out your quiz question and you have no time limit to answer. There are two questions per card, the top question is aimed at younger players as it gives a multi choice option of 3 possible answers and the bottom question is aimed at adults.

We played as a family of 4, 3 adults and 1 child. Family Quiz Night is easy to understand and Little J enjoyed trying to figure out the answer to the children’s questions. The option of multi choice really helped him and he actually ended up winning the game.

family quiz night board game

As you move around the board you’re competing to get to the finish square. If you answer your question correctly you get to roll the die again. You continue on your turn until you get a quiz question wrong. Once you reach the finish that’s if the game is over and you’ve won.

Playing time was approx 30-40 minutes. We found some of the adult questions really hard however you can use the children's questions if you wish using the multi choice option.

topix board game

Topix is another game that is lots of fun and gets you to use your brain. It is easy to set up with just a board, counters, blue and red topic cards and answer sheets.

The idea of the game is that you have a topic, a letter of the alphabet and you have to write down as many answers as possible relating to your topic beginning with your letter. For example your letter may be S and your topic may be 'things you find in the Ocean' You then write as many things as you can beginning with S such as Seaweed, Ship Wreck, Starfish, Shark... You have to do this before the egg timer runs out. You move around the board you would on a normal board game however your move is determined by how many you answered correctly. Each time you land on a circle this will determine what colour topic card you need to choose and what letter you need to begin with.

category questions

category questions

We played a made up version of the game that suited our family. As we were playing with a younger player we decided that each correct answer was worth two points and therefore if someone scored five correct answers they could move ten spaces. 

topix game

The first player to reach the end is the winner and our playing time was again around 30-40 minutes. 

Little J found this game particularly hard and didn't enjoy it as much as Family Quiz Night. He really struggled to think of answers in the allotted time. We will definitely play it again with him and I’m hoping as we continue to play this over the next couple of months his brain will start working a bit quicker and he will start to enjoy it more.

Both games are really good fun and we do love board games so they will definitely be ones to play with our family and friends. 

I have teamed up with Cheatwell Games to give Family Quiz Night and Topix away to two winners. The first winner drawn will will Family Quiz Night and the second winner will win a copy fo Topix.

If you would like to enter all you need to do is enter the giveaway below and remember to pop back for bonus chances to win each day. 



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