Ways to Make Your Small Business More Manageable While You're Busy Being a Mum

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Balancing your responsibilities as a mother with your business goals can be tough. Running a small business demands a lot of your time and if you’re not careful, you can miss out on the time you want to spend with your kids. Finding a balance and using tools that help you to manage your time better is, therefore, vital for your family and your business. Here’s how to do that.

mum and child at desk

Delegate Small and Frustrating Tasks
Delegating those little tasks that you simply don’t want to waste your time on is obviously very important. When you have frustrating little tasks taking up all your time, you’ll find that your days start to feel a lot shorter and you have less time left over at the end of it to spend with your children. That’s why delegating to a colleague or, if you don’t have any, an outsourced service or freelancer makes a lot of sense.

Get Clients on Retainer
Getting your clients on retainer is something that your business will definitely want to focus on. Of course, that helps your business to grow and keep hold of customers. But more than that, it helps you to free up your time because you don’t have to spend your time constantly appealing to your customers or finding new ones because you’ll already have them secured for the month ahead and longer.

Raise the Price and Value of Your Services
Raising the price of your services might sound like a risky decision. But if you want to free up your time, charging more for your time and services makes sense. You can then spend less of your time working and more of your time with your family. Offer quality over quantity; when you do that, you raise the value of the services you offer and, as such, the prices can rise too.

Use a Live Chat Service on Your Website
Using a live chat service on your website can make things far more manageable. That way, you don’t have to personally deal with the little requests and questions your customers have. Instead, you can get on with other important work. With the best website chat service out there, you can be sure that customers will have their basic questions answered without you having to get involved.

Set Work Boundaries
Setting boundaries is something that’s definitely important when it comes to managing your time and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. If you know you want to spend your evenings with your kids, commit to finishing your work by 5pm. Once those boundaries are in place, you and your whole business should work around them. That’s the way it should be. 

As you can see, it’s not impossible to balance being a mother with running your small business, even if it is a challenge at times. Each of the ideas we’ve discussed here today will help you to keep things manageable and sustainable, meaning you don’t have to give up valuable time with your children.


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