Who Killed Mia? Review

Disclosure - Who Killed Mia? was gifted to us however we were not asked to review. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our own. This post contains affiliate links 

Over the past few years both John and I have become really interested in watching murder mysteries and crime series on TV. It's not something we have ever been in to before however since watching a program on Netflix it now suggests other shows and we have been hooked. Another interest that's popped up is games. We love Escape Room type games and we have done quite a few murder mysteries games too. When we received Who Killed Mia? for inclusion in our Christmas Gift Guide I knew that we would love it as it combines two things we love and not only that Who Killed Mia? boasts that it is a modern murder mystery which will have us searching for evidence both paper based and digitally. 

Who Killed Mia? game box

Who Killed Mia?
Who Killed Mia? asks you to do exactly what it says on the box - find out who killed Mia? Mia Star is an influencer who has took the world by storm. On the night of a very prestigious award show Mia livestreams from her dressing room to millions of fans. What no one expected is that Mia would be brutally murdered live whilst her fan watch in horror. 

three envelopes from inside Who Killed Mia? game

contents from inside Who Killed Mia? game

Game Play
Before game play can begin you will need to scan the QR code so that you can watch Mia's murder. You will get to see Mia alive before her murder and then it's time to get your thinking caps on as you open the three lots of evidence envelope where you read witness statements, news clipping, view photographs and even read emails. Each envelope is marked with a day on it, Day One, Day Two and Day Three. You cannot open the next envelope until you have successfully completed the one before.

content from inside Who Killed Mia? game

Once you have gathered all your evidence and you are sure you know who the killer is you can then make your accusation and get justice for Mia. 

content from inside Who Killed Mia? game

Our Thoughts 
Who Killed Mia? was a game like no other we have played before. Having evidence both paper based and digital really did bring it right up to date and it's the most modern murder mystery game we have completed. As it does have some digital elements you do need a smartphone device which was fine for us. There were over 40 pieces of evidence to go through and like other games some are red herrings and not needed but that just adds to the fun. You don't want it to be too easy and over quickly. In terms of time needed to play I do think that all depends on who's playing. We did it together and it took us around 90 minutes but I've read people have played in a bigger group and it's took less time or you could play Who Killed Mia? on your own if you wanted too as it's suitable for any amount of players. 

We loved Who Killed Mia? and I will definitely be keeping my eye out for any similar games from the makers What Do You Meme?


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