Sleepless in Manhattan by Sarah Morgan Giveaway

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I made a promise to myself that I will read more this year and so far I'm doing quite well. Being a Mummy I don't get lots of spare time but when I do I've been reading Sleepless in Manhattan by Sarah Morgan.

sleepless in manhattan by Sarah Morgan

 The title appealed to me straight away as my favourite movie is Sleepless in Seattle so I imagined lots of love and romance and so far it hasn't disappointed.
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Bacofoil Voucher Giveaway

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As Spring begins I am ready to dust off the cobwebs and get out and about with the boys. I love it when the weather starts brightening up and the nights get lighter. We like to go for walks and days out and it means we can start taking out picnics again. I love making picnics and I think it just makes the day a lot more fun. Little J loves finding a place to eat and is always excited opening his picnic box.

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Time Tokens - Keeping Track Of Screen Time

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Deciding how much screen time you allow your child to have is definitely a personal choice and should not be judged by others. We decide how much screen time little J can have depending on the day he has had already, the time of day and also as a reward if he has been good. I recently came across Time Tokens and after reading about them I knew this would help us as a visual for little J to remember how much screen time he is allowed per day. 

Time Tokens

Created by Amanda, Time Tokens were designed so we could try and keep track at how long our children are using computers, phones, iPads etc. Using the time tokens we can control how much screen time our children use.

Each Time Tokens pack contains 

Time Tokens

Time Tokens Wallet - Perfect for your child to take responsibility for their own Time Tokens.

A Timer - Just like a stopwatch.

Time Tokens

Time Tokens - They come in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes which we have used for little J.

Time Tokens
60 minute Time Tokens are perfect for big J.

Time Tokens Promise Contract - This allows you to work on the expectations of your child and also agree how much screen time / Time Tokens they will be allowed each week.

Time Tokens

A Golden Time Token - This will hopefully encourage your child to stick to their side of the agreement. If they do they will get a special reward.

Time Tokens

The Frazzles - These are so cute.  Every Time Token features a Frazzle on the reverse. They tell you all about the things they love to do when they are away from screens.

Instructions - Easy and simple.

How Do They Work?
Little J doesn't have a set screen time amount however we have been using the time tokens just to keep track on how much he does use it. The timer is particularly useful to show how long he has left. When we say 10 minute left he can track the time and finish what he is doing. 

I have to say that it has worked really well and it's nice that he can earn a Golden Ticket. We will let little J use the Golden Ticket for a reward of his choice.

Time Tokens are a great way to keep a track of screen time and also a way to reward good behaviour too. They would be particular useful for parents of children who struggle to control their screen time use.

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Comments - I love reading your opinions and thoughts - Have you used Time Tokens before or a similar method? Leave us a comment below and let us know what you thought.

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Time Tokens Giveaway

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For the past week we have been using Time Tokens and I have to say I am so impressed with how well they have worked. If you haven't heard of Time Tokens before you can read our review and if you like the idea too you can enter for the chance to win your very own pack.

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A Tour Of Storytelling Britain

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Disclosure This is a paid post in collaboration with

There are some lovely places to visit across the UK that are inspired by children's book authors, their characters and locations. has created a lovely map of places you can visit based around some of our favourite stories.

Hill Top


We are lucky that we have managed to visit a few of the places already.

husband and wife on boat on windermere

The Lake District
Everything about The Lake District makes me think of Beatrix Potter especially Bowness on Windermere and Hill Top. Bowness is a beautiful place to visit and a must do is a boat ride on Windermere to Ambleside. We have also visited Hill Top, this is where Beatrix once lived. It was truly amazing to wander around her home and see where she used to work. It is now owned by National Trust and we can't wait to visit again.

boy knocking on a door on privet drive

Warner Brothers Studio Tour London
A must for any Harry Potter fan. The studio tour based in Watford has everything a Harry Potter fan would want. Have a walk around the Great Hall, try a butter beer or even cast a spell. We would love to visit again as they host special events throughout the year. 

boy looking at Thomas

Thomas Land, Drayton Manor
Little J absolutely loved Thomas Land. Thomas Land is located inside Drayton Manor Theme Park featuring lots of rides and attractions based around the No.1 blue engine and his friends. 

If any of the places above or on the map take your fancy then you can be sure there is a property close by. Renting a cottage can be an excellent way to have an affordable break together at any time of year. A break that isn't incredibly hard work, and gives you access to some of the most beautiful places on Earth. Many properties accept pets, and larger properties can sleep the whole family. We have stayed in a few cottages that can accommodate a large number of guests, Simgill in The Lake District and Snowdonia View in Wales. We would definitely choose a cottage again in the future.  

If you found this post useful there are a few ways that you could say thanks and support Playdays and Runways.

Have you been to visited any of the places on the map?  Leave us a comment below and let us know about your visit.

Visit our Walks In The North West post for more walk ideas

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The World of Peter Rabbit - The Complete Collection of Original Tales Giveaway

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You may have read my recent post about how has created a beautiful map of all the places you can visit in Britain that inspired our favourite authors. To celebrate World Book Day and The Tour of Storytelling Britain I have teamed up with cottages . com to offer one of my readers and followers the chance to win a very special prize.

beatrix potter books
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Must See Musicals 10 Film Collection Giveaway

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Ever since I was little I have always loved Musicals. I was brought up with both my Nana and my Mum watching movies such as Gypsy and my all time favourite Calamity Jane. My love of Musicals didn't just stop at watching the movies, I love listening to the soundtracks and watching the stage show versions too. You might have already read that we went to see Calamity Jane and it was amazing.

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Drumond Park LOGO Prize Bundle Giveaway

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 You all know that I am a big fan of board games. It's a great way to spend time together and have lots of fun. We have a huge collection of games and I am always on the lookout for new ones. You can never have too many. 

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What You Need To Know When Potty Training.

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Potty training comes naturally to some children and their parents, some find it quite a struggle. It's easy to say that it will happen and things will just click one day but if you are a parent of a child that doesn't seem to 'get it' then it can be a challenge.

potty train

When you decide it's time to potty train you have to be prepared that it may not happen overnight. It can take days, weeks and even months for some children. It's best to clear your schedule and make sure you have the time and energy to see it through. The first few days/ weeks can be the worst so some choose to do it while they have time off work or when the siblings are in school. This means that your child and the potty are your only focus. 

The fact that you have decided to potty train could be for a number of reasons. The child's age, the child is showing signs they are ready (knowing when they have had a wee or poo in their nappy) or it could be that other children of a similar age amongst friends or family are potty training. Unfortunately none of these may mean your child is ready you just have to go with what's best for you, take the leap and see where you end up. 

Using the potty is a huge milestone so you may want to use a reward system that works for you and your child. We used cars with little J as he was never bothered about stickers whilst other children love reward sticker charts. 

There are lots of different potties available, some with characters on, some are musical and others are just brightly coloured. Choose a potty you know your child will like or even better if they can pick it themselves. 

Talk to your child about the potty and what it's for. There are lots of children's books on potty training that are fun with great illustrations. Visuals really work for some children. 

Be supportive at all times. Accidents will happen. Try not to get upset or angry no matter how frustrated you are. It can really knock a child's confidence. If you react angrily when they have an accident they may start to hold it in and that could be really bad for them.

Make the decision of whether you will go for pull ups or underwear. In my opinion I always think underwear is best. You have taken the plunge to potty train and get rid of the nappy so why put a pull up on? To me I don't understand how a child would know the difference between a nappy and a pull up. They look and feel the same. Having said that I know lots of children that have had great success wearing pull-ups but my tip is to stick to underwear. They can feel if they have had an accident, and I can guarantee they won't like that feeling of wee dripping down their leg. You never know it might make them think twice next time.

Knowing your childs toilet routine for a poo is really important. Some children go at the same time every day or they will go to a certain spot in the house. If they have a routine you can then be ready to guide them to the potty just before to prevent accidents. 

When potty training children seem to get the hang of going for a wee easier than a poo. It's important to make sure they are still doing their poo because if they are not they can become severely blocked and it could become a medical issue. If your child isn't ready to poo on the potty you need to make the decision of putting a nappy back on them, on or around the time they usually go. They just might not be ready for this stage and that is normal.

I really hope these tips will help you on your potty training journey

If you found this post useful there are a few ways that you could say thanks and support Playdays and Runways.

Are you potty training? Leave us a comment below and let us know.

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DisneyLife Review

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This month we have been trying out a new subscription box called DisneyLife. I first noticed it just before Christmas when it popped up in our local Disney Store. As it was Christmas and a little manic I didn't stop to look what it was. If you haven't heard of DisneyLife let me tell you a little bit about it first.

DisneyLife Review
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When A Celebrity Retweets Your Tweet

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It's only recently I have started to use Twitter properly and it's by far my favourite of all the social media channels. I love how fast it is and that you get an actual reply from people when you tweet them. It's a quick way to get in touch with a friend, speak to a company or even tweet a celebrity. Am I the only one who gets excited when a celebrity retweets your tweet?

twitter tweet
I don't really tweet celebrities mainly because I don't have anything to say to them, but on the odd occasion I have tweeted a few. If I was going a concert to see a band or solo artist I will send a tweet or if I have seen a tweet from them I have replied.

I have however tweeted a few members from McBusted and also Giovanna Fletcher and I am so happy when they retweet. Is that sad? I just think its nice to know that amongst the thousands (maybe more) tweets they receive each minute/hour/day they have chose one of mine to retweet. I have had a reply once from Tom Fletcher and that made my day.

A few months ago I tagged Ruth Langsford in a tweet because I had blogged about her campaign to keep pets healthy this summer and she retweeted instantly which got me thinking. Do you think the celebrities actually read the tweets or just hit the retweet button to keep us happy? I am hoping they do read as I like to think they are interested in what people have to say. I know they must get so many but it is nice if they reply or retweet to a select few.

twitter tweet

In the Summer I got a lovely retweet and reply off the lovely Duncan James too.

Have you ever tweeted a celebrity? Did they reply or retweet?


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Teletubbies Toys Review

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Disclosure - We were sent the products below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. This post contains affiliate links. 

You may have read last week that a very special and exciting box turned up. Inside was a selection of the new Teletubbies toys range and we were chosen to try them out. Teletubbies was such a big part of big J life when he was growing up and I am so pleased they are back now that little J is a toddler. When it came to opening the box we were so excited to find out what was inside. Little J was jumping around when he saw all the coloured tissue paper inside the box, it was like Christmas.

teletubbies toys

Inside the beautiful and very colourful tissue paper were 6 Teletubbies toys for little J. He was so pleased when he saw Po, she is his favourite. 

Teletubbies Tickle And Giggle Po
Tickle and Giggle Po is very cute and likes to be tickled. She is made from supersoft plush and when you tickle her tummy she will giggle and say "eh-oh" "Big Hugs" "Po" "Again Again"

Little J loves interactive toys and really enjoys tickling her tummy. Little J also enjoys pushing her around in the pram too.

teletubbies soft toys
Teletubbies Supersoft Plush
Dipsy and Laa Laa are supersoft plushes. They are a perfect size for little J to hold and cuddle. He likes to take them to bed and they are perfect for snuggles.

teletubbies soft toys

teletubbies soft toys

teletubbies soft toys
Dipsy and Laa Laa are regulars at our carpet picnics and we play a game were they can only eat pretend food that matches their colours. Dipsy enjoys green pears and Laa Laa likes yellow lemons.

Teletubbies Talking Po Soft Toy
This is probably little J's favourite toy out of the plushes. Talking Po is again made of a supersoft plush. 

Press her tummy and she will say a variety of phrases including

"Eh Oh"
"Again, Again"
"Big Hugs"
"Hooray, Hooray, Hooray"
"ooh," followed by a giggle 
"Very Happy"

Tubby Phone
A cute phone with just 4 coloured buttons representing each of the Teletubbies. Press the colour of your choice and the Teletubbie will come on the mirrored screen. Press it once and a voice will say "Hello (name of teletubbie chosen)" press again and the voice will say "Hello Teletubbies" press a third time and it will say "Tubby Phone Party" and play a song. Unfortunately all four buttons do and say exactly the same.

Little J seems to like chatting away to the Teletubbies.

Tinky Winky Figure

teletubbies soft toys
We haven't found a home for our Tinky Winky figure just yet as we are hoping little J will be a good boy over the next few months and maybe he will get the Teletubbies Superdome for his birthday and also some more figures. 

I have popped down the RRP of the toys above for you but the full range will be available to see over at Character Toys

Tickle and Giggle Po - RRP £19.99
Talking Po - RRP £9.99
Supersoft Plush - RRP £6.99
Tubby Phone - RRP £9.99
Figure - £3.99

As you can see little J was thrilled with all his new Teletubbies toys and I know our collection will grow over the next few months. I am going to dig out all of big J's old Teletubbies toys as we had the dome, a Noo Noo and all the talking Teletubbies too. Little J will love them. 


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Little J Loses His Favourite Bing Bunny

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Went we went to Cyprus last Summer little J took a handful of toys. His Winnie the Pooh taggy which he has had since he was born, some cars, his doctors kit and his Bing Bunny. Now if you read my blog you will know that Bing Bunny hadn't been with us very long but he instantly became a favourite and became little J's bedtime buddy along with taggy. When little J was helping to pack his suitcase both Bing and taggy were the first things in the Trunki.

boy asleep in his pram
It's hard when you go away because I instantly think 'what if we lose one of his toys?' he would be devastated. Well it happened to us in Cyprus and it was awful. On the Tuesday before we came home little J had been for his lunch and he would always take taggy and Bing. He knew after lunch he would fall asleep so he had to have his two pals with him. On the walk from the restaurant to the pool area he dozed off holding them both and on the way he must have dropped Bing. 

bing bunny
We noticed as we parked up the pram and he was only holding taggy. Being the caring older brother big J dashed out and retraced our steps to find Bing. He was gone. In the brief moments someone must have picked him up. Daddy went to reception and lost and found but no-one had handed him in. We checked every day for the remainder of our holiday but he had been taken.

Little J was so upset when he realised Bing was missing. We felt so sorry for him, it was awful. The first few nights were the hardest he kept shouting 'Bing' in the night. It's was so sad. We actually told little J that Bing was really hot in Cyprus so he had flew home and would be waiting for us when we got back.

When we got home a new Bing was waiting for us. Grandad had picked a new Bing up for us and even though it was past 5am in the morning after a long day and night little J was so excited to see him.

I'm really not sure what happened to Bing but I was shocked that no-one handed him in. If we found anything that didn't belong to us, we wouldn't even think of keeping something that wasn't ours. With it being a teddy you would think that the person would know it belonged to a child. Even if a child picked it up surely the parents would make sure they reported it to lost and found.

Has your little one ever lost their favourite toy? What did you do?

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Teletubbies Toy Delivery

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When big J was growing up Teletubbies dominated our TV and also big J's toy box. He absolutely loved Teletubbies and had lots of Teletubbies toys including talking ones, a phone, books, even a Noo Noo that moved along the floor. When I heard that Teletubbies were making a comeback I was so excited because little J is just at the age now were he enjoys watching a little TV and I know he will love Teletubbies just like his big brother did. On Christmas Eve we received a huge white box, it was our Teletubbies toy delivery.

Teletubbies New Toy Range
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Star Wars - The Force Awakens Film Review

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Before I start I do want to say that I am not a huge Star Wars fan. I like Star Wars mainly because John and big J like Star Wars. I play with lightsabers mainly because big J and little J like playing with lightsabers and I don't think I have watched the original trilogy all the way through. I was excited to see the new movie mainly because John and big J were excited to see the movie. However after watching the movie on opening day I do feel the need to write my opinion on probably one of the most anticipated and talked about movie of the year, Star Wars The Force Awakens.

Star Wars - The Force Awakes
I watched the second trilogy first, episodes I, II and III and then I have watched bits of the episodes IV, V and VI over the years. I know the story from playing Star Wars Lego on the xbox with John and big J. I liked the first three episodes and obviously they were more up to date than the original trilogy. Special effects were spot on and Darth Maul was such a great baddie.

In case you are peeking at this with one eye closed scanning for spoilers, there won't be any. I know Star Wars fans who haven't seen the movie yet won't want to know about any secrets, twists and turns so I will just stick to the main points.

When the film started there was a real genuine excited atmosphere in the cinema. As the music started and the yellow scrolling text appeared on the screen telling us about the what has happened I did join in with the excitement. The main storyline was Luke Skywalker is missing. General Leia (No longer known as Princess) is searching for him. A new baddie, Kylo Ren was in charge of the First Order and also searching for Luke - the last remaining Jedi.

Throughout the film as new and old characters were introduced I totally believed each and everyone. The actors and actresses chosen for the parts, for me were spot on. I am a big fan of Girls starring Adam Driver and I wasn't sure how he would be as Kylo Ren but wow I was sold. He looked and played the part brilliantly. At first I thought his character had a Darth Maul feel about him and that maybe he would only be in it for a short time but he was on screen throughout with some really impressive scenes. You see and feel the anger inside him within the first 5 minutes so I knew it was going to be good. Also you see Kylo Ren without his helmet on to which really worked.

Star Wars - The Force Awakes

Finn and Rey reminded me of a young Luke/Han and Leia. Both really great and really stepped up to the mark. Not much was given away about Rey and her past so I am hoping we will find out more about her in future movies. All we know so far that she believes her family will return to her home planet Jakku. She has been alone there for many years, since she was young girl and is surviving by being a scavenger. Finn was brought up as a Stormtrooper but decided to rebel after his first mission. He escaped and found Rey.

BB-8 is the cutest little droid I ever did see. He is adorable and just like R2-D2 can only talk in beeps and other noises. Luckily Rey can understand him perfectly. BB-8 holds the key to Luke's whereabouts in the form of a map that both the resistance and the First Order are eager to get.

When Han and Chewie appeared on the screen I guess for fans it was just like old times. I really like Harrison Ford and considering his age he did pretty well in not looking like an old has been. In fact he had a big part in this movie and with his still dashing good looks and sarcasm he was still the Han Solo the audience loved.

For me Leia was unrecognisable. I know Carrie has aged but she looked so different. There was still chemistry between her and Han and I was a little gutted they didn't make it as a couple over the years.

So without giving to much away Star Wars The Force Awakens was definitely worth the wait. The action scenes were strong, special effects were as expected for 2015 but it still did have an original trilogy vibe. In fact it was more like the original movies than the later. I am sure spoilers will hit the internet soon if not already but I do think sometimes its best to wait and see. I know I am usually the one googling for sneak peeks but with this I didn't and I'm glad. I think even non Star Wars fans will enjoy this movie, I know I did.


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Santa Special at Llangollen Railway

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Christmas is a very special time for us and we have many traditions that we do each year. As a family we like to visit Disneyland Paris and Santa's Sleepover at Alton Towers. My Mum and Dad enjoy taking the boys to the grotto and then on to a pantomime in the evening. My in-laws go on the Santa Special - Llangollen Railway. It's so nice that we each do something with the boys that makes Christmas that little bit more special. All these traditions have been every year for at least 11 years. This year we decided to go on the Santa Special too and I'm so glad we did.

Llangollen Railway Sign
It took about 1hr 15 minutes to arrive at Llangollen from Liverpool and when we arrived there were plenty of car parks to choose from. We parked about a 5 minute walk from the railway and it only cost £1 which was great.

We had something to drink at a local cafe/ restaurant before the train although there was plenty of choice in the station itself. There was a small cafe and also sandwiches to buy on the platform.

boy on a train
Our train left the station at approx 1:35pm. The carriages had christmas decorations hanging from the windows and felt nice and christmassy on board. We hadn't been before so had no idea what to expect. There were 12 of us in total spread out on 3 tables in the same carriage. 

Once we were seated and the train was on it's way to the station at Carrog we were given a paper bag each. Now I say we, what I actually mean was everyone except me. They had run out so unfortunately at this point I had nothing. In the bags there was a chocolate lollipop for the kids and a carton of juice. The adults had a mince pie and a small 50ml of Baileys. The booking did say mulled wine but that was not offered.

Santa walking through the train carriage
Very soon an elf appeared in the carriage and got us all to sing a Christmas song as we did Father Christmas made his way to see us. 

I was so impressed that he stopped to talk to all the children and gave each and everyone a gift. 

When we arrived at Carrog, Father Christmas hopped off the train and on to his sleigh. We queued to get a photo with him.

There is a little gift shop and a chance to grab a hot cuppa and a snack if you wish before its back on the train to Llangollen.

When we got back on the train Father Christmas made another appearance. He sat next to little J and chatted about Christmas. This really does make the train so special because the children get to see Father Christmas at least three times.


Llangollen Railway
Both John and I really enjoyed the Santa Train and obviously so did the boys. It was nice to experience a tradition that big J had enjoyed for so long. 

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Thomas & Friends Personalised Christmas Book Review

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Disclosure - We were sent the product below for the purpose of this post. All thoughts, opinions and photographs are our unless stated. 

I have mentioned before that I love personalised gift. I always find that personalisation adds 'that little bit more' to a gift idea. When I was younger I had a Snow White book and I was in it. My name, date of birth, friends etc had all been added to create a story. I loved that book so much and I still have it somewhere. When we were offered the chance to review a Thomas & Friends personalised book from Egmont I knew straight away that little J would love it. He loves books and starring in one makes it so much more fun.

Thomas the tank engine book

Ordering was simple. We chose the book we wanted and added little J's name. We could also add a friend so decided to add big J. There is also an option to customise the character. We could change the hair, skin and eye colour to match little J. Finally you can change the colour of the coat. We chose blue.

Thomas the tank engine book

Although little J looks at books throughout the day at home and nursery, books are usually for bedtime. This book is a perfect bedtime story. It's just the right length to be enjoyed before little J starts losing interest. Usually once we have finished our bedtime story he will usually choose a book to look at before falling asleep. The illustrations in the book are bold, colourful and interesting so lovely to look at too.

Personalised books are always great fun and I find the child is always more engaged when they are the centre of the story. We will definitely be adding to our personalised book collection from Egmont very soon. I love the birthday book too.

If you would like to order the Thomas and Friends Christmas title use discount code pblogger20 for a 20% discount.


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Pampers Want To Help Make Life #BetterForBaby

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Today, our friends at Pampers released a short film which showcases just how babies bring out the best in us all, highlighting that there’s nothing we wouldn’t do to make life #BetterForBaby - if you haven’t seen it, you can watch it here 

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Christmas At Liverpool ONE

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We are so lucky to have Liverpool ONE so close to where we live. For years we had to venture further afield for shopping trips and meals out. Since Liverpool ONE arrived we have everything we could ask for. Now you can drop the kids off at school and you can get everything you need and more before you have to pick them up again. Here's how we recently went Christmas Shopping at Liverpool ONE. 

Liverpool ONE Christmas Tree 2015
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5 Gift Ideas For All Food Lovers

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One of the best ideas when looking for inspiration for picking gifts is the recipients hobbies. Today I am going to take some time and share five great gift ideas for those people who love cooking, baking and food in general. As Christmas is the time to show that you love someone, this list of five gift ideas is a great place to start the joys of gift shopping.
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