Preparing For Summer With LamaLoLi

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I am a huge fan of character clothing and always have been. I used to love dressing big J in Disney or Star Wars but unfortunately now he is a teenager he isn't so keen to walk around with Mickey Mouse on his chest. Luckily I still have little J and this month he has been wearing lots of new summer clothing from LamaLoLi

Star Wars - The Clone Wars (2 Pack T-shirt)
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Going On Holiday - How Do You Choose?

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I was watching the boys in the garden last week and they were playing in the water. It was bright, warm and sunny and it got me thinking about our Summer holiday.

Sa Coma - June 2003 
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Project 365 Days 144 - 150

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This week is Half Term and I love Half Term. Its great not having to get up and get dressed for the school run or work. We have been getting up a little later than usual and just chilling in the mornings. Big J has enjoyed not having any homework and little J has loved his big brother being at home during the day.

144/365 - Carrying on from last week project 365 we were still in Alton Towers today. We had been invited to Iggle Piggles Birthday Party. We had an amazing three days and the party on Sunday just made the whole weekend extra special. I love this photo of the boys on the way home.
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#BPDriveInDineOut With BP And Pizza Express

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Spending time together as a family is very important to us and I hope that shows on my blog. As there is an eleven year age gap between my two it is important that we make sure we do things together that interests both my boys. It could be just watching a movie together, visiting a theme park or eating out. Both my boys love visiting restaurants and while sometimes it can be manic dining out with a toddler its always worth it.

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Beers Of The World - Serenata Hamper Giveaway

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We recently stumbled across the website Serenata Flowers. I was actually browsing for some ideas for Father's Day and I noticed that not only did they do flowers but they also did lots of other gifts including hampers.

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