Reviewing Nutmeg - Thinking About Pensions

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Okay so this may not be something that you stop and think about every day - but there are some startling facts around about the UK's general pension provision.

Nutmeg offer an easy to use, intelligent approach to pension planning.

*image credit to Nutmeg*

They offer an expertly managed pension fund that you can tailor make to suit your overall attitude to investment risk, and they will rebalance this on a regular basis as part of the service - with surprisingly low annual management charges.   Rebalancing helps to keep your plan at the risk level you choose, and encourages selling investments when they are highly priced and using the funds to buy other low pried investments, with a constant view on enhancing the value of your pension pot, whilst ensuring that your risk level doesn't go above what you have chosen.
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Project 365 Days 158 - 171

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My blog has been a little neglected over the last few weeks so I completely missed last weeks Project 365 but I did take photos so here is our last two weeks in photos.

158/365 - Big J has recovered from his week in Malaga so it was out in the garden for some splashing fun.

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Early Father's Day Meal At Brewers Fayre

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If you are a regular reader you will know that we do like going out for meals at our local Brewers Fayre. As Father's Day is approaching we popped along for an Early Father's Day Meal. If you have visited a Brewers Fayre before you will know that they offer a variety of Menus. A normal menu with pub meals, Chef's Counter Menu and a Kids Menu.

When we have the kids with us we almost always choose Chef's Counter. Its a buffet style menu that starts at 5pm with a different theme every night of the week. It includes Burger and Hotdog night, Mexican, Curry and on Fridays it is Chip Shop Buffet Night.

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A Double Decker Bacon Sandwich For Father's Day

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I'm not the biggest fan of meat but I do like Bacon so when Roberts Bakery asked me to serve up a delicious bacon butty for Daddy on Father's Day I was happy to join in. 

Daddy doesn't like anything fancy he is likes plain and simple when it comes to food. So I knew there would be no fancy relishes or garnish just a simple bacon butty.

Roberts Bakery sent us a lovely pack which included everything we needed to make the perfect bacon butty. I decided to add a little bit extra to Daddy's butty and included cumberland sausages too.

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The Value Of A Parent

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I have almost completed my first year back in work after being on extended maternity leave. As many will know you only get 9 months maternity pay so for the extra year I took off I had no income at all. It was a hard choice but as little J had so many hospital appointments Daddy and I decided it was best to stay at home and take care of little J. 

Our Boys
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