Bugsy Malone The Musical UK Tour Review

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Bugsy Malone was a movie I absolutely loved when I was growing up. I probably had no idea what the movie was about at the time however I absolutely loved the soundtrack. I remember I used to come home from school and pop the movie on and fast forward to all the singing parts. I used to drive my mum and dad crazy. So when I read that Bugsy Malone - The Musical was doing a UK tour I hoped it was heading to our local theatre and it was so we booked tickets and waited for the date to come around. It was worth the wait. 

Bugsy Malone The musical poster

Bugsy Malone - The Musical UK Tour
Prohibition era, New York. A city full of mobsters, showgirls and dreamers. Rival gangster bosses Fat Sam and Dandy Dan are at loggerheads. The custard pies are flying and Dandy Dan’s gang has gotten the upper hand since obtaining the new-fangled “splurge” gun. Now, Fat Sam and his bumbling buffoons are in real trouble!

Enter Bugsy Malone, a penniless one-time boxer and all-round nice guy. All Bugsy really wants to do is spend time with his new love, Blousey, but will he be able to resist seductive songstress Tallulah and stay out of trouble long enough to help Fat Sam to defend his business…?

Packed with instantly recognisable songs from Oscar winner Paul Williams including My Name is Tallulah, You Give a Little Love and Fat Sam’s Grand Slam, Bugsy Malone is a joyously uplifting masterclass of musical comedy.

Bugsy Malone The Musical recommends all guests to the theatre are aged 8 and above. It has an approximate running time of 2 hours incl. interval.

bugsy malone the musical

Bugsy Malone The Musical was everything I wanted it to be. It instantly took me back to my childhood days when I wanted to be Tallulah and knew all the words to Fat Sam's Grand Slam. The show is full of energy with some standout performances and choreography. 

Unfortunately the show came to an end after it's Liverpool date however I am sure it will be touring the UK again very soon and if it does I wouldn't hesitate to grab tickets.

Have you seen Bugsy Malone The Musical? What were your thoughts?



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The Wizard Of Oz At Theatre Royal St Helens

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Disclosure - We were invited to The Wizard Of Oz. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

John and I love visiting the theatre and over the past year we have been encouraging little J to come and see shows with us too. At the end of last year we visited Cinderella at St Helens Theatre Royal and he absolutely loved it. He laughed from the first moment until the last and has talked about it ever since. He is at the age where he understands the humour and some of the adult jokes too. This half term we headed back to St Helens to see their production of The Wizard Of Oz.

cast of the wizard of oz
What To Expect At The Wizard of OZ, St Helens Theatre Royal, Corporation Street, WA10 1LQ
Join Dorothy and Toto on their epic adventure to the Emerald City and follow their journey as they meet a cast of incredible characters including Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion along the way.

Will the Wicked Witch succeed in stopping them in their tracks? Or will the good witch Glinda help the friends in their mission to meet the wonderful Wizard himself?

The Wizard Of Oz has become a regular and very popular show in the Theatre Royal’s annual calendar.

cast of the wizard of oz
The full cast of talented St Helens regulars are Maddie Hope Coelho who dons the famous ruby red slippers again to play Dorothy, Reece Sibbald as the Scarecrow, Adam Melville as the Tin Man, Michael Alan-Bailey as the Lion, Hayley Russell as Glinda, Bethany Grace as the Wicked Witch, and Warren Donnelly as the Wizard.

For me The Wizard of Oz was more like an actual show than a pantomime however it did have the normal pantomime behaviour of jokes, dances and the famous 'oh no he isn't, oh yes he is!' 

dorothy cast of the wizard of oz

The first half especially showed off the amazing vocal talents of Dorothy as she hit all the notes of 'Somewhere over the rainbow'. The Wicked Witch also had a stunning performance of 'Bat out of hell' in the second act. 

As always there is one character who completely steals the show and for us it was the Scarecrow. Effortlessly funny and had little J in tears especially in the second act. 

There was a short section in the second half which confused me a little as glowing puppets danced around against a black background however little J seemed to enjoy it. 

The Wizard of Oz runs from Tuesday 14th February to 19th February 2023. . 

Food And Drink
There was the option to buy typical theatre snacks such as crisps, chocolate, ice cream and hot, cold and alcoholic drinks. 

Prices vary so please do check ticket availability and cost. You can purchase tickets here

There are a number of car parks in and round St Helens centre all within a few minutes walk. If you google 'parking for St Helens Theatre Royal' the various options will come up in the search. 

Disabled parking is available very close with some spaces outside the venue and other on street parking within a minutes walk.

cast of the wizard of oz

Anything Else?
St Helens Theatre Royal is a small venue and makes the theatre experience really intimate which I love. 

Programmes are on sale and there are a handful of golden tickets hidden in side the programmes, find one and you will be able to go on stage to be part of the show. 

There is an option to go on stage after the show to have your photo taken with some of the cast. It is £8 and you will receive a photograph instantly and you can also take one on your phone. 

cast of the wizard of oz

We all absolutely loved The Wizard Of Oz and felt we got the best of both worlds. The first half was more show and second half was more pantomime.  A great cast, a funny script and the perfect way to enjoy our half term. We will definitely be back  at Easter for Beauty and The Beast.


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Let's Do What We Can To Take Some Of That Business Burden Off Of Your Shoulders

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Running a business is hard work, and if you’re trying to do this while raising a family then there are going to be times where you just need to take a little step back but know your business is going to be fine. It might sound impossible, but we assure you that it isn’t. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you can do to take some of that business burden off of your shoulders. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

First, you could look into outsourcing. Some businesses like to outsource, other business owners aren’t so sure about it. The good news is that it saves you a lot of time, a lot of money, and you get the help that you need. Instead of hiring full-time employees, you get the benefit of professional help from companies that are full of trained professionals and experts that know what they are doing. For example, you might look into someone who provides and fits polycarbonate roofing systems for some of your projects if you’re in the construction industry.

The next thing that you can do is delegate some of the tasks to the senior team in your company. You have managers and people in higher places for a reason, and that is so that you can lean on them when you need to. You have to be able to rely on them when things get a little tough for you, or what is the point? These people are supposed to be the next in the hierarchy and the people that can step up and be there for you so that you can ease off a little when needed. 

If you don’t have anyone that you trust enough to delegate important tasks to, then you need to get some better employees quickly!

The last thing that we’re going to say is that you need to get your business organized if you want to take some of that burden off of your shoulders. The more organized things are, the easier the business is going to be to run, making your life ten times simpler. When the business is in disarray this is when you are going to experience the highest levels of stress, and more likely that you are to let things slip through the cracks. To avoid letting this happen, you simply need to get your business organized so that you don’t have to constantly sort through never ending documents to find what you need.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do to take a little of that business burden off of your shoulders when you’re already so busy. Of course you love your business, you are the one who built it, but that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to want to take a step back from it every now and then. We wish you the very best of luck, and hopefully now see some of the things that you can do to ease the burden from your shoulders.

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How To Ensure Your Business Sells When You Want It To

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Many business owners have an ultimate goal of selling their business at some point. They want to launch it, work hard on building it, and then reap the rewards when the time comes. In order to achieve this dream, you’ll need to actually make sure the business sells when you’re ready to pass it on to someone else. Plus, you don’t just want it to sell; you want it to sell at a price that will help you take on the next challenge in life, whether that’s starting a new business, retiring and relaxing, or anything else. With that in mind, here are some things to consider to ensure your business sells.

Don’t Take Your Foot Off The Gas
It can be tempting to start slowing down as you come to the time when you know you want to sell your business. This is especially true if you want to retire and are feeling tired of working, or if you already have a new business to take care of. It makes sense; it’s just human nature, and you probably won’t realise you’re doing it. However, it is actually crucial that you pay attention to how you are feeling and how productive you are being because once you notice, you can step on the gas again.
No prospective buyer is going to be impressed if they see a dip in sales and a slump in profits just before they buy. They will wonder if there is a problem and look at other businesses instead. If you keep moving forward and put in as much hard work at the end as you did at the start, you should find selling much easier.
Don’t Forget The Small Things
When you’re putting everything in place in order to sell your business, you’ll think about the big things like your website, your customers, your staff, and your marketing. You’ll want everything to be just right so you can prove to a potential buyer that yours is a great business to buy.
However, don’t forget the small things when you’re focusing on the big ones. These small things could include making sure you have data centre UPS in place so that your data storage is always protected. This might seem like a small thing to you, but it’s actually hugely important, and having it in place shows a potential buyer that you take care of the details – this will impress them.
Be Realistic With Pricing
It won’t matter much how great your business is if you price it too high. No savvy buyer is going to consider your proposal. People buy businesses to help them make money, and if they spend too much at the outset, making a profit becomes delayed. It might never happen at all. This won’t be an attractive idea to anyone, and they’ll pass you by. On top of this, when you price your business unrealistically, you’re showing everyone that you’re not great with forecasting and figures. That’s not a good idea when you want to prove to a buyer that everything is in great condition.
Speak with an expert about how to price your business in the right way. You might even want to hire a broker to help you get through the entire sale and to market your business, as that would relieve a lot of stress. 

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What's On This Valentines Day In The North West

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Do you have any plans yet for Valentines Day? John and I do like to celebrate but it's very rare that we get to do something on the actual day. We tend to go out either before or after but I am hoping this year we can celebrate Valentines Day with all the other couples around the world on February 14th. 

February calendar

If I could choose where to go for Valentines Day I would choose either the theatre or the cinema. It's my favourite thing to do especially as a couple. Nothing better than going to watch some live entertainment or getting cosy watching a movie. If you don't have any plans yet and you are looking for something to do this Valentines Day in the North West then I have gathered together a few ideas with something for everyone!

Pauline Daniels –Get Me Before The Crematorium Does: The Valentines Day Version
Royal Court Liverpool, 1 Roe Street, Liverpool, L1 1HL

Tuesday 14th Feb '23, 7:30pm

What To Expect?
Join me, Pauline Daniels, for an evening of laughter and song. After 42 years in the business thought it about time I put a bit of a show together and I’m hoping you can join me for a good night out, we will have a ball!

Book Your Tickets For Pauline Daniels Here

The Rocky Horror Show
Blackpool Grand Theatre, 33 Church Street, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 1HT

Mon 13 Feb - Sat 18 Feb '23, 8:00pm, 8:30pm

What To Expect?
The Rocky Horror Show is the story of two squeaky clean college kids – Brad and his fiancée Janet. When by a twist of fate, their car breaks down outside a creepy mansion whilst on their way to visit their former college professor, they meet the charismatic Dr Frank’n’Furter. It is an adventure they’ll never forget, filled with fun, frolics, frocks, and frivolity.

Book Your Tickets To See The Rocky Horror Show Here

the lion king

Disney's The Lion King
Palace Theatre Manchester, 97 Oxford St, Manchester, M1 6FT, UK

Tue - Sat at 19:30, Wed and Sat at 14:30 and 19:30, Sun at 14:30

What To Expect?
Disney’s award-winning musical The Lion King explodes with glorious colours, stunning effects and enchanting music. It follows the powerful story of Simba as he journeys from wide-eyed cub to his destined role as King of the Pridelands.


The Whale
From Darren Aronofsky comes The Whale, the story of a reclusive English teacher who attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter. Starring Brendan Fraser and based on the acclaimed play by Samuel D. Hunter.

12A Running Time 2hrs 0mins

Knock At The Cabin
While vacationing at a remote cabin, a young girl and her parents are taken hostage by four armed strangers who demand that the family make an unthinkable choice to avert the apocalypse. With limited access to the outside world, the family must decide what they believe before all is lost. 

15 - Running Time 1hr 42mins

Magic Mikes Last Dance
Mike Lane takes to the stage once again when a business deal that went bust leaves him broke and bartending in Florida. Hoping for one last hurrah, Mike heads to London with a wealthy socialite who lures him with an offer he can't refuse -- and an agenda all her own. With everything on the line, he soon finds himself trying to whip a hot new roster of talented dancers into shape.

15 - Running Time 1hr 52 mins

Titanic Movie poster

Titanic 25th Anniversary 3D
In celebration of its 25th anniversary, a remastered version of James Cameron's multi-Academy Award-winning "Titanic" will be re-released to cinemas in 3D 4K HDR and high-frame rate. With a cast headed by Oscar winners Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, the film is an epic, action-packed romance set against the ill-fated maiden voyage of the "unsinkable" Titanic, at the time, the largest moving object ever built.

12A - Running Time 3hrs 15mins

What plans have you got in mind for this Valentines Day?


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How To Free Up Space In A Busy Home Environment

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In a busy home environment, you can often find that you’re tripping over your belongings. As that household grows, so too does the chaos that ensues. It’s important to try and take control of your home so it’s more functional for all of the family. Whether that’s yourself, you and your partner, or your family.

With this being said, if you’re looking for tips to free up space in your busy home environment, then here are a few ways to do just that this year.

a modern open plan living room
Get Home Storage That Doubles Up As Furniture
When it comes to freeing up space around the home, the best way to do this is by opting for furniture that doubles up as storage. Need a new bed? Consider a bed that lifts up to reveal a whole heap of storage space underneath it. If you’ve got a vanity table, you can get vanity chairs or stools that have hidden storage within the base of the chairs themselves.

It’s good to be smart when you’re limited on space and investing in furniture that doubles up as storage is always a smart idea to utilise.

Invest In A Self-Storage Unit
Investing in a self-storage unit is a great idea if you’re looking to expand upon your opportunities in the home currently. It’s a great option to invest in self-storage because it’s a secure place to put belongings that perhaps you don’t want to get rid of but would like to hold onto. 

They’re not that expensive either, which means they may be more affordable for some than they would have initially considered.

Declutter Your Spaces Regularly
To help free up some much-needed space, a good decluttering is important to do. Decluttering your space is essential because we can all have a habit of hoarding things that we don’t actually need.

Try to separate the sentimental from the rubbish and do regular declutters to help free up more space around the home where possible. Consider it a part of your deep clean and you’ll feel a lot better for it.

Look At Getting As Much Off The Ground As Possible
When it comes to freeing up the space, think about getting as much of the stuff you have in your home, off the ground as possible. There are a lot of belongings that may not have their own home and therefore just lie around on the floor. If that sounds like your home, then try to buy storage for this stuff to go into.

The more space you free up when it comes to the floor, the more you’re going to find the space improves as a result.

a kitchen with a breakfast island
Rearrange Furniture For Functionality
To help with the busy home environment, consider rearranging the furniture for functionality. From adjusting the small items of furniture to moving your bed or sofa, it makes a big difference to the space and it’s free to do!

Being able to free up space is important when it comes to your home so use these tips to help make it work.

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7 Must Watch Dawsons Creek Episodes - 25 Years Of Dawsons Creek

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Whilst browsing Instagram last week I came across a post celebrating 25 years of Dawsons Creek. I had to read the post twice just to check as I couldn’t believe it has been 25 years since Dawsons Creek debuted on TV. Over the years I have watched Dawsons Creek many times and most recently was last year when I watched all 6 seasons again. Even at my age I absolutely love the show and know it will continue to be a firm favourite of mine for years to come. 

dawsons creek cast

The show dealt with issues that teenagers and young adults could relate to such as love, forbidden love, friendships, sex, under age drinking, infidelity and death. After watching the show so many times I have lots of favourite episodes but here are my top 7 favourite Dawson Creek episodes.
dawsons creek cast

S01 Ep07 Detention
Loosely based on the movie Breakfast Club, Dawson, Joey, Jen and Pacey share their feelings for one another during a game of truth or dare in detention. We are introduced to the character Abby Morgan who has her heart set on making all four characters as uncomfortable as possible as she dares Jen to kiss Pacey, who then dares Joey to kiss Dawson. 

dawsons creek cast
S02 Ep07 The All Nighter
Introducing yet another new character in this episode Chris Wolfe. As the gang need to study for a test the next day Chris invites them to his what can only be described as a mansion to study. Dawson, Joey, Pacey, Andie and Jen pull an all nighter cramming for the test but some manage to have a little fun too. 

dawsons creek cast
S02 Ep11 Sex, She Wrote
Abby finds a sexy, discarded love letter and sets forth to find the author, Dawson's script revisions cause rumours to fly, and Pacey gives Andie the cold shoulder. Once again Dawson, Pacey, Jack, Andie, Joey and Jen are in the hands of Abby as she tries to solve who had sex the night before. Three possible encounters, Jen and Dawson, Joey and Jack or Pacey and Andie. 

dawsons creek cast

S02 Ep16 Be Careful What You Wish For
Joey plans a surprise birthday party for Dawson who is out with Pacey and Andie, having a night of recklessness and the blues. Lots happening in this episode including Jack coming out as gay, Dawson realising he is miserable without Joey and also the topic of under age drinking. Dawsons rendition of I've got the blues is epic!

dawsons creek cast

S03 Ep20 · The Longest Day
In a story that replays the same day's activities from three different perspectives, Joey and Pacey go over the ways to tell Dawson about their feelings for each other. When the truth does come out, Dawson's reaction is not the one they'd hoped for. Meanwhile, Andie, who thought she was getting over Pacey, sees Capeside visitor Will, but their first date is ruined when she also learns about Joey and Pacey.

dawsons creek cast

S05 Ep10 Appetite for Destruction
The group is thrown into disarray when Jen and Dawson return to Boston as a couple. While Joey attempts to deal with her feelings, Jen and Dawson face the scrutiny of their friends during an awkward dinner that Pacey cooks for Jen, Jack, Dawson, Joey and Audrey. The love 'square' between Dawson, Pacey, Jen and Joey never gets old!

dawsons creek
S06 Ep24 ...Must Come to an End
Dawson, Joey, Pacey, Jen and Jack come together in Capeside after five years for a wedding; a heartbreaking secret is revealed; Joey finally chooses between Dawson and Pacey. For me Joey definitely chose the right boy!

There really are so many more episodes I could have chosen. After reflecting back I have to say seasons 5 and 6 didn't really do much for me even though I did like Audrey and Eddie who were introduced once the gang headed to college. 

Dawsons Creek was the first show I had watched where fans had a favourite who they championed throughout the series. Some would change there mind and flick between the two. Where you team Dawson or team Pacey? I was always Pacey.

I would love it if you shared your favourite episodes with me or favourite Dawsons Creek moments. Pop a comment below or tag us on socials. 


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8 Inspiring Ways To Redecorate Your Bedroom

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 One of the most satisfying home renovations you can do is to redo your bedroom. It’s a space where you can truly express yourself and create an atmosphere that suits your personal needs and desires. Whether you want to go for a dramatic makeover or just give it a subtle refresh; Here are some inspiring ways to redecorate your bedroom.

Start With A Colour Palette
Choose colours that reflect your personality and create an inviting ambience. For example, if you prefer cool tones, try shades of blue and grey, as they are calming and tranquil. Or, if you’re more inclined towards warm hues, opt for earthy shades such as brown, orange, and green which will add warmth to the room.

Invest In A Comfortable Mattress
Your bed is the centrepiece of your bedroom, so it’s important to invest in a quality mattress and bedding. Consider factors like firmness, support, size and material when making your selection. Also be sure to    that is right for you. 

Add Texture To Walls
To make your bedroom look more interesting, add texture to its walls with wallpaper or panelling. Different materials such as wood, stone, brick and metal can create an eye-catching effect that will take your room to the next level.

Refresh Window Treatments
If you’re looking for an easy way to spruce up your bedroom, try switching out old window treatments with something new and fresh. There are several options to choose from, such as blinds, curtains, and shutters. Pick a style that reflects your preferences and complements the decor in your bedroom.

Incorporate Art
Another great way to refresh your bedroom is to add artwork or photographs. Not only does it make the space more visually pleasing, but it also adds a personal touch. If you don’t have any pieces of art that you like, try browsing through local galleries for unique finds or even creating something yourself!

plant in bedroom

Accessorise With Plants
Adding greenery to your bedroom is a great way to bring some life and colour into the space. Choose plants that are easy to maintain and can thrive indoors, such as succulents, herbs, or ferns. This will bring a natural feel to your bedroom and make it more inviting.

Replace Furniture
If you’re looking for a quick and dramatic change, replace your existing bedroom furniture with something new. Consider investing in quality pieces that will last a long time, such as a dresser, nightstands, and storage solutions.

Add New Lighting
Lighting can make a huge impact on how your bedroom looks and feels. Experiment with different types of lighting, such as bedroom pendant lights, accents, task, and ambient, to create the atmosphere you want. When choosing lamps, take into consideration factors like size, shape and style to ensure they match the aesthetic of your bedroom.

These are only some of the ways you can give your bedroom an upgrade. With a bit of creativity and imagination, you could come up with endless design possibilities for your space! 

And if you’re stuck on ideas, don’t be afraid to consult a professional designer who can help create the perfect dream bedroom for you. Whether you want to go all out or just spruce it up with small tweaks, redecorating your bedroom is an enjoyable project that will leave you feeling refreshed and inspired each time you step in!

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