Project 365 Days 151 - 157

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Well its been a funny old week which started with all four of us but that soon went to just Little J and I. Big J jetted off to Spain on a school trip early hours Monday morning and didn't return until Friday evening. Daddy was away with work in the middle of the week so it was an unusually quiet house.

151/365 - Today was mainly spent packing for Big J's holiday to Spain.

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Win An Organix Hamper Worth £25

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If you have read my blog before you may have noticed that little J loves his food. The good thing about him is he will try anything and he usually likes everything he tries. I'm so glad as it's hard work when you have a fussy eater. I love knowing that he will eat home made meals, fruit and vegetables. 

For a treat Little J absolutely loves Organix Goodies. His favourite are Carrot Cake Soft Oaty Bars. Whenever he wants one he says 'cake' its so cute. He has tried most of the Organix goodies range and likes it all. The finger foods are another of his favourites including Tomato Slices. They look just like a pack of crisps and he loves having the control of eating as many or as few as he likes.

 I am so excited to team up with Organix to offer 3 of my lucky readers the chance to win an Organix Hamper worth £25
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Brothers By Willow Tree

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Yesterday Daddy and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary. Its been a odd week with Daddy working lots and Big J on holiday in Spain. For most of the week it was just little J and I so we didn't make any specific Anniversary plans. Usually we will do something special but we decided to visit Alton Towers a few weeks earlier and maybe just go out for a meal on our actual anniversary.

Brothers by Willow Tree
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10 Reasons Why I Love June

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I am so excited that June has finally arrived and here is why.

1. Daddy and I had our first ever date in June. It was the 21st June which is the longest day. This year the 21st falls on Fathers Day too so it's twice as special.

Looking Back - June 2010 Central Park, New York City

2. Daddy and I were married in June. This year we will be celebrating 15 years together and 5 years married. We were married in New York City and it was the best day of my life. It was so amazing and very personal as I had always wanted to get married in New York and Daddy made my dreams come true.
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#TheSmiler Crash At Alton Towers

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I think it's pretty obvious if you read my blog regularly that we are big fans of Alton Towers. I have been going there since before Nemesis opened and this year its celebrating its 21st birthday. It's also a special place for us as it's where Daddy proposed to me.

I was really upset and shocked yesterday to hear that there was a crash on The Smiler. I am a huge fan of rollercoasters but there is something about that ride that I just don't like. I have been on it twice this year but after the last time which was less than two weeks ago I said to Daddy I probably won't go on it again.

Taken 23rd May After Big J Had Been On The Ride
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